The Devil And The God

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Time for another side project for funsies.


Tanya Degurechaff. A stone cold bastard who does what is necessary for his own benefit. Well, her benefit. A person who puts rules and order above all emotions. Be it killing her own subordinates for not complying to her orders in indirect ways, connecting with higher ups on the social ladder to form connections to speed her promotions; doing anything she can to rack in achievements and merits all for the sake of living the "cushy life" behind an office desk away from the action, away from worries, her life paved ahead like a railroad track without any need to go anywhere other than forward.

Those that know her know of her ruthlessness, her indomitable will, and her exemplary patriotism for the Fatherland. A soldier who follows orders to a T and will fight to the bitter end. But in reality, it's quite the opposite.

If military police were not going to play hide and seek with her for the rest of her life after deserting, she would gladly do it if the need for personal safety arose. What others see as an "indomitable will" is just her fear for her life leaking out and the unfairness that is the real world. She follows orders as they're given and strives to complete it in fashions that make it take the longest possible if she can to keep away from fighting, but never working out in her favor.

Time and time again, her exemplary performances are just coincidences. A miracle of God one might say.

That's right. God. A work of God. His almighty power, his almighty authority. Anything is possible through the power of the Lord, God.

So why does a person with no faith in God, have access to his power?

That's what I'm wondering.

Her soul in unfamiliar, I've never created it. Where did it come from? Only God has the power to create or destroy souls. Is there a God other than me in this world that I somehow never caught the existence of?

But there is no need to investigate, as I have already figured out the answer.

Yes, there is.

"Damn you, Being X."

Though it was in passing, Tanya cursed at a being only she in this world knew about: "Being X".

Being X? That guy? "The God who so loved the world"? I wondered as I gazed upon the battlefield from high in the sky, invisible and undetectable to all unless I made myself so.

"Being X" is a god of another world, but that begs the question, why would he go out of his way to interfere in mine? Why send her soul here? The soul is one without faith, why intervene with the results of giving free will and intelligence? Don't tell me that his world is getting low on believers or something.

This should be interesting. Wars have always been interesting to me. If you want to mess with my world, game on.

With war not far away, in fact, already begun due to the Entente Alliance crossing the Norden border, Tanya was promoted to Second Lieutenant immediately and was told to observe artillery fire and correct it if needed after being given a callsign for easy communication over radio.

Then, while observing the artillery fire and becoming arrogant at the degree of ease of her first ever mission after being told to advance to the secondary defense line, she suddenly detected a heat signature and moved out of it's way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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