Mistakes 1

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The burning Sun came to be replaced by the glowing Moon, but there is someone whose life was all dark. In a small room, a Russian little girl of 13 years with fire like red hairs and emerald eyes was cuffed to bed as she was trying to sleep but couldn't. After few minutes, a tall and muscular man walked in and looked at her with his neutral face and hands behind the back. He then ordered her to sit up straight and she obeyed with no objection.

Man: well hello Natalia.

He greeted her with his very evil smirk which she returns with a expressionless face.

Natalia[N]: hello father.

Man: come with me, I have something to show you and I can't wait to morning.

N: yes father.

He walked out of the room and went towards the music studio while she followed him like a robot. Soon a soft music came to be heard as they walked in the room. There were 28 little girls dancing ballet roughly which result in their feet to bleed. He indicated them to stop and stand in a line. A woman came to that man and started talking to him.

Woman: Ivan, these are the weak ones. They are useless to us.

That man or Ivan nodded and replied.

Ivan[I]: Don't worry, Madam B I have already thought what to do with these trash.

He turned to Natalia and said.

I: Natalia, as you can see that these are your younger sisters but these are too weak to exist in this cruel world. I am tired of making them strong but they don't listen to me. So why don't you punish them and teach them a lesson?

N: sure father.

She pulled out two little knives from her cat suit and started dancing.

I: Madam B, start the music. It's show time.

She put on a song and told girls to dance. They obeyed hesitantly, afraid to get killed by a ruthless killer. As they began to dance, Natalia came between them and attacking them with her knives. She was dancing and killing both at the same time. She was dancing so flawlessly that no one can say what her next step would be. The floor soon was covered in a red fluid called blood of those girls. Music became faint in the heart piercing screams but she didn't care. She just kept dancing until she was told to stop. And why should she? She was actually enjoying that. She let her body take control over her and killed all of them. When the music stopped, she stopped with her cold hands covered in blood of her sisters.

I: well done My Natalia. You proved that why you are my favorite.

Natasha woke up panting in her bed. She looked around and found herself in her room at the Avengers compound. She got up and went to her bathroom and threw some water on her face and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She took a deep breath and went to take shower.

In the kitchen-

As Natasha walked in, she was greeted with various 'morning Nat', 'Good morning Widow', 'hello Lady Natasha' and 'oh, look who finally decided to show up?' She greeted back everyone and told Tony to shut up in return.

Steve[S]: here, your breakfast is ready.

N: what you have got in there?

S: pancakes

He replied and he handed her plate with a smile. She returned the gesture by giving him a short smile. As she finished her pancakes, elevator's door opened and Nick Fury walked in.

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