Assassins 1 Angel Hunter

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I am an assassin, I kill for money, and I hate it. But, I love my job. It's one where I get to kill something I despise. Angels, the one you think is the holy ones in heaven is probably not the one I'm thinking of. You guys probably think I'm crazy. But have you ever wondered, what ever happens to the evil angels? The ones that become evil and crazy? Those are the ones I hunt. I am Emilia the Angel Hunter.
"There's no where to run. I've got you cornered. Give yourself up or face me. Your choice," I said.
"Well, Emilia-hehe-it's not my time. It's yours. There's always a way out. I will escape," the creature said in it's terrifying voice.
"You're crazy. Why fall down here to Earth if you knew the assassin Emilia was here?"
"You're only 16. You wouldn't understand. I need souls to live. It's my passion!" he said with a creepy smile.
"Oy vey. I should just kill you already," and I did what I was assigned.
I cut his smiling head clean off. Then I did what shows my touch. I took my scythe and cut his wings off. Normal wings don't come off and they're white or even gold. But the ones I hunt have black wings. My touch is my scythe. I always cut off the wings. When I do, their wings still contain the soul of the angels. If my scythe uses his power, then the wings degenerate into souls. Plus, they look super cool carrying them around.
"Hmm, not a challenge. Time for a reward."
I grabbed his wings and swung them over my back. Then I walked back to HQ.
"Ahh, I see you have completed your task. I suppose you want your reward?" Fat Man (as I call him, but his real name is Mr. Akogi) said.
"Yes, exactly what I asked for, or else."
"Well, you see, I can't exactly pay it."
"What? You promised! Maybe you want to taste me instead of all that wine. You're definitely gonna taste it if you don't hand over the pay."
"Yeah, you mean nothing to me. So why should I pay? You are merely a pawn. That Angel was destroying my kingdom. I only needed you to kill him. Now be off."
"Big mistake. You call it your kingdom? A bar? I don't understand this. Ask my recent employers. Oh wait, they're dead. Because, they cheated me."
I took my scythe partner, loaded up his magic, and pointed it at his fat face. He merely smiled, thinking I couldn't deliver the shot. He was wrong. I sliced him right down the middle.
"Now, where's my money?"
His head might've detached, but I'm getting my money either way.
I grabbed his vault key, put it in the keyhole, and turned. It opened with a click. I took all the money I needed and left with the same clank as the front door closed. I was gone as soon as I came.

Angels roam where children play
3 murdered
30,000,000 £
Come to Glacier Buildings

Well, I guess it's time to review Assassins' Rules. One- silence, dissolve into the darkness and erase your breath. Wait for an opening to attack your target. Two- transpositional thinking, analyze your target in order to predict their thoughts and movements. Three- Speed, take out the target before they notice your presence.
I will kill these angels. No one harms children and gets away with it. I am an orphan myself, my parents killed by Angels. That's my goal to get revenge on those creatures.
"Come on out, Soul. They're all gone."
My scythe glowed thrusting out of my pocket and changing forms. It shaped into a human. Then human qualities appeared. His blue, challenging eyes and grayish unruly hair. His fangs sharper than a Grim Reaper's, his lame t-shirt and jeans. Can't forget his sly smile and eyebrows. That's Soul.
"Well, did you grab his wings?" Soul said.
"Yeah, but what's the magic word? Don't have any manners, moron?"
"Hey, I killed him with my ability. I deserve some credit."
"Fine, here."
I handed the wings to him. He put them on the ground and his hand glowed. It turned into a weapon.
"You're probably hungry now. Here, I'll make it easier."
He used his scythe arm and cut the wings. They dissolved and a red little light was all that was left.
"Thank you. I'm starving for some souls," I said as I reached out for the red soul, "Delish, oh yeah, check out that wanted sign," I said as I swallowed it.
"Cool, Angel destroying playground or an orphanage or something. Seems like fun. Wait, did you not split the soul and save some for me?" he yelled.
"Oh, sorry. Wait a minute, you're are a Weapon, you don't eat souls."
"Tricked you didn't I?" he cocked his head, "what is it, Emilia?"
"Nothing, let's go," I said, but I was thinking. There's something wrong, I thought, this doesn't look legit.
We took the train to Glacier Buildings. When we got there, we found a place called PlayTime Corps. It was 25 stories tall. Oh great, I thought, Soul's terrified of heights.
"Oh, it's a t-tall building. Ok. Let's go."
I sighed. He's such a baby. Well, we got to the top with a lot of crying, but at least we got there.
I saw cigar smoke coming from a man who said, "Ahh, finally, someone to kill that weird thing in the park last week."
"Yeah, according to a new employer, we now take payment up front and I always kill my target," I said.
"Fine, but if you two don' all can guess what happens then," he said as he threw the 30,000,000£ to me.
I nodded and broke the window with my elbow, looked down, and jumped. When I landed, I went to the park. There were little swings and small slides. How adorable, I thought, I used to play on these when I was little.
"Ooh, more souls, delicious!" an female Angel appeared out of nowhere and said, "a yummy looking, healthy boy and--oh, a little girl. The boy's soul looks strong, but the little girl is a shell of a soul. Oh well."
She came at both of us with force. Her fangs pierced my flesh, but that's not enough to take me down. I had gotten up as if it was nothing.
"Soul, now!"
He huffed, glowed, and turned into a scythe. I grabbed his handle and swung him in front of me.
"Little girl, good luck with fighting me. If your weapon was a meister, then he would have beat me by now. But you're so weak."
"Oh yeah? Soul, go back to human form, I'm going to defeat her myself."
"No, we can't. You'll die," he said, in his weapon form.
"Don't worry. I can do this."
He glowed out of my hands and into a human. He gestured his arms for me to get the angel. I walked up to the Angel with a sincere glare.
"Please, a beast like you is nothing like the beast I am. I am a Soul Eater!" I said as I took my true form.
My eyes turned a darkened red, my claws at 6 inches came out, and my glistening fangs too. I hissed and smiled evilly at his dumb face.
"You're a Soul Eater? How's that even possible?" he yelled.
"Yeah, sorry for not telling you. Now, I have to destroy this moron."
"You're still a little girl, Soul Eater and all."
I jumped into the air, pointed out my claws, and jabbed them into her chest.
"Ahh!" she screamed as her blood spurted everywhere.
"Such a wimpy opponent, I've faced worse. But now it's time to go back into my twin's form."
"What? I'm so confused."
"Such a moron. Okay, I am Soul Eater and we are extremely powerful. But I never wanted to be a monster, so I asked a wizard to hide away my abilities. That's why I where this charm," I pointed to the silver cross with red jewels on my wrist,"I am split into two halves; one is yours truly, a powerful being and two is the girl you know. She is fiercely rude and annoying, but you apparently like her more. She doesn't have to hunt Angels, but she persists. I am fine with it, but still. I shall lock myself in here once again." the other me locked herself in the cross.
Then I gasped suddenly, fell down, and passed out.
"Emilia! Are you okay?" Soul said as he caught me.
I awoken and said, "Yeah, err, I'm fine."
"Come on, let's go back."
We went back to the building to where the man stayed and I told Soul to stay outside. Something didn't feel right about this.
"Fine I'll stay but don't go getting yourself into trouble okay?"
I nodded and opened the door. It creaked open and dust swerved everywhere.
The building was completely bare. It's not like it was before. Before it was lively and full of people.
"Hello, anyone there?"
I heard a cackling sound from behind a curtain with roses and flowers torn to pieces.
"Ahhhhh!" I screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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Assassins 1 Angel HunterWhere stories live. Discover now