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YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Don't get me wrong I like Hol horse. I suppose one could argue he's playing it smart. ¯\_( ◉ 3 ◉ )_/¯

Italics in quotations are thoughts = 'Example'

Italics without are flashbacks = Example


The rugged, blonde male watched the (e/c) eyed woman with his piercing blue eyes, his sight trained on her lonesome figure as she stared out of the open window, the look on her face indicating she was lost in deep thought.

"Thinkin' again I see," he said aloud, the sound of his voice making her jump, startled.

Her stand appeared, manifesting from behind her and ready to pounce on the intruder, however, she couldn't see anyone in the darkness, not knowing where to take aim.

Nonetheless, she prepared herself, ready to take action,

"Who are you?" She said with a caught breath, immediately stepping back, her heart racing as only one person came to mind, the probability making her blood freeze, every square centimeter of her being raked with cold chills at the recollection of the man.

Her hands fisted tightly as she was ready to battle with not only her stand, but her fists as well, not intent on being put down without a fight.

'DIO...he couldn't have come' she argued with herself, trying to calm her harsh breathing, but even then she remained on edge.

"Don't tell me you already forgot about me," The blonde man said while stepping forward, the light hitting his grinning face as he revealed himself to her.

"Hol horse?" She said with risen brows, her eyes growing wide as she realized who it was, "What are you doing here?" she questioned him, demanding an answer, her tone sharp and tart.

Perhaps at one point, they had been friends, having each other's backs as an unsaid mutual agreement, but that was what felt like a lifetime ago, going far back in a time she'd rather forget.

'I shouldn't let my guard down,' She reminded herself, though, in truth, she wanted nothing more than to sit down with him to simply laugh and talk.

Or simply, waste away the day with nonsense banter like they'd come accustomed to.

" What?" he asked her with a nonchalant shrug, " Can't A guy drop by to see A-"

"Cut the crap!" she barked at him, "Did he send you here?" she asked him, her heart tightening.

"Are you here because he ordered you?" she added with the same viciousness.

And just like that tension filled the air, and his smile dropped in its entirety.

' DIO sent him,' She told herself, reasoning that it had to be the only possible excuse for him to show up around her ever again.

'But why?' she wondered, swallowing down hard as her heart clenched,

'Could it be?' She went on, having assumed that he'd sent the man to do his bidding and cut of loose ends.

'Could it be he sent Hol horse here to kill me?' She bit her tongue trying to swallow down the large lump caught in her throat,

' Hol Horse...

Would you really?'

"Yeah, he did, " He answered somberly. "But it's not what you think," he started, lifting his hands up to show her he wasn't armed, or intent on using Emperor.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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