Chapter 1: Her Sister's Lie

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Kylie Finch opened the door of the coffee shop and noticed the woman sitting in the corner.

She was wearing a lavender dress and looked beautiful despite her pale complexion. She stood up immediately upon seeing Kylie.

"I thought you were still angry and wouldn't come to see me," the woman said.

Kylie bit the bullet, casually sitting down, and eventually began to speak. "Of course, I'm not angry with you. Can't you see that I'm only playing cat-and-mouse with you?"

The woman looked surprised, and like she was about to cry.

"I know you blame it on me. But when he said he wanted to be my boyfriend, he never talked about you. If I'd known you were still together, I wouldn't have agreed to."

Never talked about her? Khloe sure knew how to make Kylie feel worse.

Kylie Finch smiled coldly and laid her phone down on the table.

Was she pretending that she, Khloe, was blind? The background of Kylie's phone was a blown-up picture of Aiden Parker. She must have seen it.

Kylie got up close to her face, and sneered: "But you have slept with him! What can I do?"

The woman began to cry. "It's all my fault! Hit me if it'll make you feel better..."

Then she wanted to grab Kylie's arms in a provocation.

"Hit you?" Kylie slapped her hands away and grinned at her. "It would make my hands dirty."

The woman looked guilty. "If you don't do it, I'll do it myself..." Then she began to slap her own face.

Kylie looked down at her own clenched fist. For the first time, she realized that they're quite similar. They both pretended to be someone they were not.

That woman pretended she was poor and innocent, and Kylie pretended she was strong!

Because that woman knew that being innocent can get her what she wants, and Kylie knew that only when she's strong like a hedgehog can she protect what she deserves.

Kylie didn't react to Khloe's slaps, and that woman felt so embarrassed after her manic fit. Her tears kept falling.

"Sister, I've slapped myself. Please tell me what I can do to make you forgive me!"

"Don't beg her!" A man walked into the coffee shop and quickly wrapped Khloe up in his arms.

Kylie was frozen in place, and she couldn't process what was happening.

Last night, Khloe had called her, and drunkenly begged Kylie to pick her up.

But Kylie had witnessed the two having sex in his room. And apparently, it hadn't been the first time they'd done this.

She had confronted Khloe on that day, and had wanted to know that woman's intentions. But to her surprise and annoyance, Khloe had pretended to be innocent in front of Aiden. This bitch!

Looking at them, Kylie clenched her jaw and rolled her eyes. "Aiden, don't you remember that I'm your girlfriend?"

"But, I love Khloe!" Aiden glanced at her coldly. "I only used you as a shield!"

Kylie sneered. For the past five years, she had driven away all the women trying to get close to Aiden, and she had even considered giving up her career for him.

But she hadn't expected that all her efforts would be in vain when it came to this woman.

"Then I should congratulate you both. You two bitches are perfect for each other." Then Kylie turned on her heel and rushed out.

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