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Tony laid on his couch. He hasn't gotten out of there in weeks. Calls, messages, greetings at the door, nothing seems to get him up on his feet. His bedroom, left untouched. Never once going inside that room, not even to get a change of clothes. He wouldn't. He couldn't bring himself to go in there.

On his hand, a video camera. Occasionally glancing at it, rewinding, smiling, and crying. A huge dog plushie sat beside him, letting itself be used as a comfort pillow. Tony tightly hugged the stuffed animal, letting his tears soak into its soft material. Tears poured out endlessly, but no words have been spoken.

Heejun has been visiting Tony every day, leaving him some takeout food by the door. He would watch from a distance to make sure Tony picked up his meals. And leave without a word, happy to know that he is still alive. "He just needs some time, we all do," He thinks to himself each time. But today, He ran late.

"W-Where's my burger...?" Tony's raspy voice finally broke the silence, "...Heejun..."

No knock on the door today. No food today. No Heejun.

"...Where is he," Tony got up from his couch, with the pup in his arms. He walked up to the door, leaning one of his ears against the cold surface.


No footsteps. No sounds of wrinkly bags. No knocks. No food. No Heejun.

"...Maybe he got stuck in traffic..."

Tony place his back against the door, letting his body be gently pushed down onto the ground. He rested his head against the giant pup in his arms, waiting for Heejun to knock on the door.

Tony let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes.

His mind began to play his little memory of how he got this ridiculously large pup. He chuckled lightly at the memory.

"You idiot," he smiled, "you were right, it was worth it...your aim is terrible though, was terrible..."

Tony hugged the stuffed animal once again. He circled around the missing eye with his fingers. Tugging on the remaining dark thread. He let out a louder chuckle.

"You idiot! You spent all that money, all that time, on-on some stupid carnival game and ended up breaking the stuffed animal right away!"

He slapped his knee as he remembered more of what happened, "a-and you," he laughed louder, "you-you punched yourself in the face trying to get me this thing! God how does someone manage to punch themselves while playing basketball!?"

Tony opened his eyes, maintaining the wide smile across his face.

"you-you did it for me...all for punched yourself in the face for me...wasted hundreds of dollars, for me..." his smile slowly started to fade away.

"... I miss you so much Woohyuk..."

He sat by the door in silence. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't. His tears were dry. He soon forgot who he was waiting for. Why he was sitting there. Did he even eat today?

Soon the night hovered over the city. Tony was soon fast asleep, still sitting by the door.

And there were No footsteps. No knocks. No Heejun.

And You Were Here Todayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن