The Beginning

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You wake up suddenly in your dark room. Nightmares again. But for some reason, this one seemed more realistic...

"Rose?" you hear your mother scream out.
"Coming!" you shout back.
It seems as if the woman needs you every two minutes...
You walk into your kitchen and find your mother searching the cabinets frantically.
"Where's the jack?"
Oh god not this again...
"I dumped it, like you told me," you tell your mother with a sigh. She always forgets.
"Bullshit," she mumbles as she storms past you to her room.
As you pass to walk back into your room you pause by her slammed door.
"I swear Daddy, the girl takes after her father, she a total idiot. She even looks like him."
You hate when she talks about you and Dad that way. He was more of a parent to you than anyone else. And she just HAD to rip him away. It's been six years since she drug you out of Dads house and brought you to her hometown in Garyville, Louisiana.
But don't worry. You won't suffer much longer. You were leaving. Tonight.

*Łātēr thāt ēvēñīñg*

You gathered your belongings in a bag, opened the window, and crawled silently out. You hoped to God the neighbors didn't hear you. The are so damn nosey...
As you get to the main road, you stay close to the woods to easily slip away if seen. All of a sudden, after about 20 minutes, you jump with fright hearing a deep "MOOOOOOOO" coming from behind the line of trees. You recover and zip to the other side of the road.
A few minutes later you hear one of the passing cars slow down as it approaches. It stops next to you at about the same time your heart stops.
"Hey you. Where are you going at this time of night?" The man in the driver seat asks you.
"Down to my Granny's. She's having nightmares again." You falsely explain.
"Hm. Alright."
The man rolls the window up and you start slowly walking off, ready to grab the survival knife Dad sent you last Christmas.
As you get to the fence, you hear the car approaching slowly. It's now clear that you were correct in assuming the man is following you. Then again he could just be making sure you arrived at "Granny's" safely. But you decide to quickly change pace and run into the woods.
As soon as you hit the tree line you hear a car door slam shut and footsteps, slow but determined.
As you run, he begins speeding up behind you. Suddenly, you duck quietly behind a tall bush, buying just barely enough time to grab the knife.
"Well, Rose you did it again. Another great idea of yours gone wrong" you semi-consciously imagine your mother saying.
You grab the knife, drop your bags and begin to run again. The man turns and begins chasing you at full speed again.
"Shit, and I thought track was useless..."
Well, that WAS what you thought, right as you tripped on a stump.
"Well, I'm dead" you think, scrambling to get up, but being grabbed in the process.
"Come on kid" the man grabbing your arm says as he take the knife from you. "Let's go visit Granny."

Suddenly the man stops. Then you hear it too. Footsteps. Heading this way. And fast.
"Fuck." The man exclaims, rushing you along.
"HELP!" You instinctively yell.
Of corse, you mouth is covered by the mans hand almost immediately.
"Heh, too late, wrinkle dick." You think as you see a figure emerge from the trees. It was a dude? With some wierd ass glasses and half of a ski mask or something covering his mouth? Whatever. As long as he got this old pervert off of you.
"Hey buddy. How are you doing this evening?" The guy says.
"Just caught my daughter here running away, so I'm off to bring her home" the man said, holding the knife to your back out of the guys view.
"Oh well it's late. You should head back now!" The guys says cheerfully.
As the man turns you and himself to leave, You see the dude pull out two shiny objects, but that's all you see before this boy rushes towards the man, placing two shiny hatchets in his back.
"Thanks.." You say quietly, unsure of what to do.
"No problem. It's kinda my thing" the boy says. As he turns and walks away, his neck twitches.
You lay down on the ground and slowly let your eyes drift closed...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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