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Hi humans I'm Axle a six month old ginger fluffy kitten and the runt of the litter. I'd like to tell you a story of when I got lost. It started in my cosy, warm home, I was watching our owner pack her bag to go out where ever she goes every morning. We've tried asking her but she doesn't seem to understand. I got a bit curious and hopped in her bag, I sincerely regret this later. Owner must not have noticed me because she picked up the bag. I felt like I was flying, it was quite fun till I realised I was no longer in the comfort of my home instead outside in the big scary world. I kept meowing and meowing but she didn't hear me.
 I peaked out the bag... went a bit to far and fell out then a huge dog came out of no where and scared me! I ran as fast as my little legs would go. I soon returned to that area but to my surprise owner wasn't there. So there I was a small kitten alone in the big scary world. I just wanted to go home. A few hours had passed and I still hadn't seen owner and I was getting very worried. What is I was never found? What if that huge dog came back? In that time I had gotten hungry so I looked around for any place to get food. There was a bin with some fallen scraps on the outside, must of been from a tuna sandwich, I could smell the tuna a mile away. Although it was bin food it was nice. I was noticing more humans now, none of them being owner, still had no idea where I or she was. The humans would look at me and walk away. Why don't they help they don't care. I was definitely losing hope at this point until I saw a poster on a tree saying "Lost kitten name Axle Colour Ginger" That's me! Owner was looking for me. I had my hope back. A few more hours had passed and there was a human coming towards me. I didn't know who they were so I hissed at them. They said that it was going to be okay and picked me up, got out there phone and called someone, half an hour later a car pulled up that I recognised. It was owner! I jumped out of the humans arms and ran straight to her. She was so happy she was crying and if I'm honest i was too. I went back to the unknown human and thanked them by rubbing around there feet. I went and got in owners car then we went home but I had one thought and it was why aren't all humans nice to animals we have feelings too..  

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