Chapter 1

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*Sorry this hasn't been fully edited yet and I just wrote it trying to explain all the basics so its not all that great. But let me know what you all think and any suggestions feel free to tell me.*

I looked at myself in the mirror, studying my appearance. Blond hair, blue eyes, pudgy nose, plump lips. I was just always questioning it, wondering if I looked like anyone in my father's half of my family. I didn't look much like my mother's side. I mean I did just not as much as I felt I should. Ugh, whatever I'm already late for the first day of junior year. Yayyy how fun.

"Deanna hurry up! I don't want to be late, all my friends said they'd meet me before class." My younger sister Madison yelled. Madison was  year and a month younger than me, she has identical light blue eyes but her hair is a mousy brown unlike my blond. And where she is only 5'3' being on the shorter side I am about 5'7'. People always say how similar we look though. Maddie is also one of my favorite people in the world, despite out small sibling rivalry.

"I'll be down in a minute." I said back. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my backpack, slipped on my shoes, and grabbed my car keys. Then I ran down the stairs into the kitchen. Around the table my grandmother and my Uncle Sean were sitting, Maddie was standing by the front door impatiently.

"Morning Grandma, how are you feeling today?" I asked my grandmother while kissing her on the head as I walked past. My grandma had raised me and my sister since I was four and Maddie was three. We moved to Ohio when I was five though, because my Uncle Sean lives here and grandma needed some help raising us. So I have been here for my whole life that I remember... the issue lately is what happened when I was too young to remember... I know there's something there but I just don't know and no one tells me and I stopped asking my grandmother what happened to my parents because that never gets me anywhere and just makes me feel so guilty for the hurt look in her face.

"I'm good this morning darling but what about you? You're running quite late," she lowers her voice, "and it seems your sister is getting quite irritated with you." she laughs quietly while I look over towards the front door where my sister is tapping her foot in her converse sneaker. She's dressed as usual in boot cut jeans, sneaker, a graphic tee, and a sweater over top. Her style more laid back skater look. While I dress girly but not TOO girly. Skinny jeans, black ballet flats, a white tee shirt under a black knit cardigan. My usual outfit type. I shake my head, smiling.

"So she is, well I'm gonna head out before she gets even more impatient. See you after school grandma, Bye Uncle Sean." I smile and wave as they return the goodbye. I grab an apple on my way out.

"About time slow poke, now we might even make it in time for second period." Madison says bumping me as we walk down the path. I just laugh and unlock my car so we can get in.

I pull up in the school parking lot looking for a parking space. Once I park Maddie jumps out of the car running towards her group of friends with a quick wave goodbye at me. Saying we have the same lunch so she'll see me then. So i grab my bag and start walking towards the front door by myself. Now I'm not exactly popular but I get along with mostly everyone. But I don't socialize much except with my small group of friends. The only group I have issues with are Penny the Fake Barbie and her little clan of fakes. I think she hates everyone but herself though so no big deal.

"Heeeeyyy loser I tried texting you last night but you never answered." I hear from next to me. I look over and see it's one of my best friends Lacey. I've been friends with Lacey since fifth grade when someone made fun of me for having my grandma drop me off and not my mom or dad, Lacey pushed that kid in a mud puddle. Since then we've been inseperable. Lace was the opposite of me. With her black and purple hair, black, ripped clothing, and dark makeup. She was drop dead gorgeous but chose not to flaunt it.

"Sorry I was busy last night, writing, eating sleeping, drawing." I said while laughing. Lacey knew how distracted I got. Once I started something I got stuck on it for hours, blind to the world.

"It's okay, but let me see your schedule I wanna see if we have any classes together." I handed her my schedule as we stopped at my locker. I looked over her shoulder to see what my first classes were and kept those binders in my bag and threw the other ones in my locker, as well as my make up bag.

"Mmm we only have second-English, third-Math, fifth-Lunch, and eighth-history together. Blah all the boring classes where we actually have to pay attention. Oh well at least we have four classes together this year." She handed me back my schedule as I nodded putting it back in my bag. I was still excited to have some classes with her. First I had study hall, fourth I had astronomy, sixth I had art, and seventh I had gym. Then the others Lacey listed.

"Maybe Tod and Sherrie will have other classes with us." I said. Tod was my guy best friend, totally gay and hilarious. He was awesome, stood at 6'1' with light brown hair and brown eyes with a muscly build. All the girls fell all over him. With his good looks and funny, warm personality who wouldn't? It was always entertaining to see their faces when he told them he was gay. But sad, the disappointment he causes. I giggled. And then Sherrie. Sherrie was very...earthy. Her cropped red hair, dark blue eyes, five foot figure all screamed hippie. She was laid back and soft spoken, one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I really hoped I had some classes with them. They always make life better.

"I'm sure they will." Lace said as the first bell rang. We both stopped and groaned. Looking around at the kids bustling through to get to their first classes without being late.

"Okay I guess I'll see you second period. Tell me if you see Sherrie or Tod." I said as Lace and I hugged. She nodded and we headed down opposite directions going to our classes.

I wasn't really worried considering my first class was study hall and I didn't have to do much but sit there. I walked in and looked to see just a few students in the class. This study hall was held in a science room so there were lab tables for two people each. I sat in the back, in the left row. In front of me was empty and in front of that were two sophomore girls I didn't know the name of talking to each other about the party they went to last night. I shook my head. Then in the right row were a group of three boys, clearly football players. The teacher was up front just sitting behind the computer not paying us any mind. The door to the classroom opened just as the bell rang. And in walke- Oh sweet jesus. Asher Wilson. He was a junior, someone you didn't mess with. Asher had shaggy black hair covering the tops of his ears and his eyebrows, bright green eyes, was about 5'10'  and ugh just amazing. He kept to himself no one went near him, he only had a few close friends but besides that didn't bother with anyone. Most people were scared of him. He had on dark washed blue jeans with a few rips, black DC sneakers, a white tee shirt, a black hat flipped backwards, and a black hoodie with his backpack slung over one shoulder. He slowly started walking down the isle while everyone picked up conversation not paying him much mind. While I just sat there and stared. Then realized how crazy I probably looked and I started fiddling in my back pack, looking at him out of the corner of my eyes. He sat down in the back in the right row. My breath stopped. Now while everyone chose to ignore Asher... I of course have only had one crush on anyone in my life. And unfortunately it was on someone who didn't even know of my existence. The only guy I've ever liked and still till this day like is.. obviously the guy almost sitting next to me, Asher Wilson.

The Life I Never KnewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora