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For Him

Can you hear them?
Someone please hear them
"Please!" I cried
"Someone help!" I cried
Why can they not hear them?
Why can they not hear my screams?

They say they care
Yet they do not listen

They say they love me
Yet they do not listen

They lied

I'm falling
Yet I'm not moving

My eyes are so weary

Is this it?
Will it end now?
Can I finally find peace?
Will the voices finally stop?
Can I finally rest?
Is it finally over?

Please let this be the end.

"I hear them" a voice said

My eyes snap open

There he was
The most beautiful man I've ever seen

"I can hear your cries" he said
"I can feel your pain" he said
As tears ran down his face

The smile he then gave to me
Took my breath Away

He said nothing as he reached out his hand
Without a single thought I took it
His hand held so much warmth
I clutched onto his warmth
A warmth I have not felt in so long
As he lead me Away

Away from all the screams
Away from all the restless nights
Away from all my fears
Away from all the pain

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