Part 1- Hilstar City

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When I wake up its dark out until I walk out of the shade. When I look out of a broken window of the abondone building I live at I see fires, people trying to escape and not  get caught by "Carriers" or the Watchers . I have tried to escape and I've always got to the gate but never more than 25 meters away before I hit trouble and that's what its always like. No ones ever leaves, not us in the forgotten zone nor the civil zone, the Watchers won't let anyone go. I will though and I will get to The Last Sea and I will find a better place for humans to live I will. My Name is Josh Hert and I will leave Hilstar city and survive the Waste I know I will.

"Hey Dole do you think that when Randy and Janet get back we could try and look for Kiltin he hasn't been back for a while?" I said. I look at Dole as he tinckers with my broken mask. Charater Into:Dole isn't tall but not short he has sideburns and a bald head he is in his late 40s and is the smartest man I know. He used to live on the civil zone until his block became a bunch of Carriers then it became part of the forgotten zone. "Well I don't know, but you and Sirina need to star dinner ok." Dole said. "Fine, hey beans or no beans this time?" I asked. "Beans Kiltin got some more yesterday." Dole said. I leave the room walk down the hall and go to the door on the right. But before I do I thought I heard a thump on the wood board covering the stair way so nothing can come up. I walked closer and heard it again now I was almost touching the door with my face. "H...Hello?" I said quietly. I stood there my hand on my knife then in the blink of an eye I was on the ground reaching for my knife when I hear "What are you doing on the ground Josh?" I look up to see Randy smirking at me.Character Intro: Randy is tall and has black spikey hair like me, he is the courageous leader of our group. He was born and raised in the Forgotten Zone like me too. "Randy!? I told you to stop acting like a Carrier in front of the block! What if Josh, Dole, Sirina, me, or Kiltin killed you? What then huh?" And behind Randy was Janet. Character Intro: Janet is the brains of our group, she can handle almost any situation you throw her in. When she was little she was sperated from all if her family except for her father in the "Last Great Separation" her father died shortly after. "" Randy said. "Dinner Ready" Sirina yelled followed by a bark from Bane.Character Intro: Sirina is the most innocent, caring, understand person probably left in the world. And her best friend and only family is Bane, his actual name is Blade but when Dole, Janet and Randy found her she couldn't say it right and said Bane. She was separated from her parents when she was 3 they had been gone for three months when she was found. "So have you guys bummed into Kiltin today?" Dole said "By the way Josh your helmet is fixed, now I can finally get back to my other project. " No, he did say, well wrote that he was going to be awhile till he came back but not to long from tomorrow. " Randy said. "Hey for all we know Kiltin could be a girl we just don't know because she hasn't said a thing to us ever." Janet said. "I'm pretty sure Kiltins a dude Janet, cause Kiltin really sounds like a boys name." I said smiling. "Oh shut up Josh, why don't you ask her when she comes back." Janet said grinning back. "Ok I will ask him!" I said. We all started laughing.

Tales Of The Waste: Hilstar CityWhere stories live. Discover now