Chapter One

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All superheroes have an interesting backstory, something that orchestrated their strife for justice, and I, The Imaginer, am no exception. Of course, I wasn't always known as "The Imaginer", no, I was born under the name Daniel Frey, and this is my history.

When I was a kid, my parents were good to me. My mother always saw that I was happy, even on the days she worked late. My father worked hard to help support us, and he loved Mother very much.

Unfortunately, when I was no older than five, a mysterious sickness infected my mother. It left her once bright eyes dull and lackluster, and sometimes kept her bed-ridden for days at a time. The disease was slowly draining the life out of her, and most days, she was too tired to smile.

Eventually, the disease caught up to her, and she died in her sleep. Dad was slowly coming down with it, and I hoped it wouldn't take him, too.

It didn't take him, though. It did something far worse.

Instead of rotting his soul, it rotted his brain. It took a possession of him and ,ade him cry in pain, leading him to numb it with alcohol, but that only made him thrash in anger.

The disease made him insane in only two weeks. He would become angry at every living thing he saw, and made his thoughts all jumbled; he blamed me for what had happened. In his poor deliriousness, he became violent without knowledge of his actions.

For many years, I tended to him, in hopes that he would get better, but alas, he on,y seemed to get worse, day by day.

Then one day, I made the decision to retreat to the mountains in search of the monasteries, and hopefully gain knowledge of a cure to my father's ailment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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