School on her birthday

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Olivia wakes up feeling exited but mad because she has to go to school on her birthday but she thinks at least she gets to be with her bestfriends Mariah and Robbyn. Shes the youngest out of the friend group because Mariah and Robbyn are already 12. But that's besides the point!!! She walks down stairs with a big smile on her face wearing the clothes she picked out last night. Her mom and dad excitedly bursts out, "Happy birthday Olivia" olivia laughs and says thank you and continues on with her day. She eats her a big stack of pancakes and heads to the bus stop were Robbyn and Mariah were waiting. Olivia likes to call them M and R so that's what we will call them. They get on the bus were everyone yells, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA" olivia could almost cry and she gratefully says thank you olivia thought today was the best possible day ever. But, what she didnt know what was about to happen today. The day went by quick. The girls went shopping with her mom and they had the best day ever. But when they got home her father was nowhere to be found they didnt think nothing of it though. But let me tell you what happened to the father...

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