Chapter One

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A/N hello! I don't own any of the fanart just making that clear. I don't own any of the characters. This is based off of the soulmate au were you're born with the name of your soulmate tattooed on your wrist so I hope you enjoy!

John's POV

William. John sighed again. How what's he ever going to find his soulmate? They both happened to have some of the most common names in the world. He traced the letters of the name again on his wrist.

As he put in his watch, he double checked to make sure he had packed everything he needed. John would be starting his first year at college in just two days. Maybe he'd find his soulmate there.

"John! Hurry up!" Harry called from downstairs. "I'm getting hungry," he smiled slightly to himself. Harry was treating her little brother to breakfast at his favorite cafe. "I'm just going to leave without you!"

"Geez Harry! Can't you just wait five minutes?" John said, running down the stairs while pulling on his favorite jumper. She rolled her eyes and walked out the door smiling.

"Come on little brother," she called back. John slipped on his shoes and and caught up to her. They walked for a few minutes in silence. "So, you know who your roommates gonna be?" She asked looking at him sideways.

"I'm not sure yet," They had made it to the cafe and were sitting down at a table near the door. A waiter came by handing then menus and have them glasses of water. John took a long drink of his water.

"Well, have fun with him. He might be the one," she tapped her left wrist. John chocked on his drink. Harry looked amused as he wiped his mouth quickly and glared at her.

"I am not gay!" He half whispered, half yelled at her. Harry laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.

"If you let me see your name," she tapped his wrist, which was covered by his watch. "I promise I'll stop teasing you. That is, of course, it's a girls name," she leaned back in her chair. He shook his head smiling slightly.

"Oh I'm sure 'Clara' will find you delightful," he teased back. "And how do you not know who mine is? Aren't we born with it?" She rolled her eyes at him.

"Yeah but our parents didn't want me to read it in case you didn't want me to know so they covered it up," she mumbled. "Please Johnny? I'll only have one more day to tease you," she gave him puppy eyes.

"You twat," he said under his breath. Sighing deeply, he looked down. I can't believe I'm telling her. John thought. "William. That's his name,"

"Aha! I was right it is a dude!" She didn't bother to keep her voice down. "Maybe he'll be your roommate," she shrugged. John glared at her. Harry made eye contact with him and started laughing hysterically. "John, I'm just messing with you. I'm sure you and 'William' will be very happy when you find each other," she smiled at him. "What time is it?" She asked.

"About 12:30," John answered looking down at his watch. Harry took a bite of her food and chewed thoughtfully.

"Alright. The train leaves at four and then we should arrive around 5:30. So if we leave the house at 3:30 we should be good. Wanna catch a movie before we go?" Harry looked at John, tilting her head to the left. A blonde curl had escaped her bun and hung over her face.

"Sure what's out?" John asked. Harry grinned at him, her dimpled popping out.

"Big Hero 6 is!" She answered giddily.

Sherlock's POV

Sherlock didn't believe in the whole "soulmate" thing. It's just a name on his wrist. Just because him and a "John" were supposed to be soulmates didn't mean they would be. It was all so dull.

Every day Sherlock covered up his wrist with a black band so no one could see the name. He wasn't ashamed, it just wasn't anyone's business.

"Packed and ready to go, brother?" Mycroft asked him, strolling into his room with an annoying smirk on his face.

"Obviously," he glanced over at the suitcase by the door. Sherlock was sitting back in his chair tuning his violin.

"And what about your violin? You are taking it aren't you, Sherlock?"

"Of corse I am. I can't fit a violin in a bloody suitcase, Mycroft," he began to pack his violin and stood up holding his violin case in one hand and grabbing the handle of the suitcase in the other.

"So, Sherlock, do you think you will find John at this school?"

"Do you think you'll find Greg?" He shot back. Sherlock didn't wait for a reply, all he wanted was to get the the university. Unlike his brother, Mycroft kept his wrist naked unless his sleeves covered it. Everyone knew better then to mess with Mycroft. Sherlock left his room leaving the door wide open.

Ten minutes later he was in the car, his dad driving and mom silently reading while Mycroft studied from his government textbook. Sherlock looked out the window tapping on his leg with in index finger.

In his mind swam thoughts about everything. Little things to big things. He found himself wondering if he would have a roommate. Probably. Sherlock just hoped he wouldn't try to talk to him or touch his stuff.

"Were here boys," their dad announced. Sherlock looked at the school, bored. They're dad parked and they all got out and helped unload the suitcases. After a very quick goodbye, the two boys were alone.

"Well, I'll see you around, Sherlock. Don't cause any trouble," Mycroft walked away clearly knowing where he was going. With his suitcase in one hand and his violin in the other, Sherlock made his way to the west dorms. He made deductions about the people he past and caught bits of conversations.

"Hey what's up!" Cheater.
"Wait where again?" Gay.
"So chickens and-" Drug addict.
"What do you mean we-" troublemaker.
"I've missed you!" Liar.

All dull.

Once he made it there he stepped up to the lady at the front handing out keys to the rooms.

"Hi hun, last name?" She asked sweetly.

"Holmes," she looked down a list of names before finding his.

"Is it William?" He sighed at his first name.

"I prefer to go by Sherlock if you don't mind,"

"Oh well, okay. You're in room 221 on level B. Here's your key, Sherlock," she handed him a simple key with a key ring on it. He forced a smile at her and made his way up the stairs.

When he finally made it his dorm, the first thing he noticed was that the door was slightly open. Great, a roommate. When he opened the door all the way he saw a suitcase opened in the middle of the floor and a man asleep on one of the three beds. Wait, three beds? He must have two roommates. Two of the beds were a bunk bed and the man was on the lower one. Sherlock rolled his eye and made his way over to the single bed by the window.

"Mrphh..." the sleeping figure rolled over. Sherlock froze not knowing what to do. Silently, Sherlock began to put some stuff on the desk. Hopefully neither of his roommates would touch his microscope or his notes. He had just put all of his clothes in the chest by his bed when someone opened the door.

A/N hello! What do you guys think of it so far? What do you think I should add? I love feedback and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story! I might not be able to update a lot due to the hell known as school, but I'll try my hardest.

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