Who Was Joo Dee Before Dai Li

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A young military advisor for the 51st King of Ba Sing Se named Genzo Hideshi was set out on a mission with his men to de-escalate shop destruction and gang related activities in the lower-class region of the city. Upon arrival, Genzo and his men were too late and witnessed a burning and collapsed marketplace. While Genzo was ordering his men to look around for the individuals who committed this crime, he heard a female victim's voice yelling for help within the collapsed building. Genzo entered the burning building with a call to action to save this presumably helpless woman.

Successfully rescuing this woman's life while risking his own, Genzo attended to this woman's wounds of what seemed to be a broken leg by falling debris and asked for her name. And she replied, "My name is Himari, Himari Ikuyo". "Everything is going to be fine Himari, we will make sure we find who did this." Genzo replied. "But for now, we are going to get you to the hospital.".

Himari didn't have any family or friends come visit her while she was recovering, the only person to show up and check on her, was Genzo.

Months had passed and Genzo had made many trips to see Himari and kept in close contact with her on his free time away from orders. Eventually posing the question, "How would you like to come stay with me. I can show you the finer things in life and we could prosper and create a family together.". And Himari replied, "I would love to come be by your side."

Genzo and Himari moved to the designated military housing close to the center of the capital, where Genzo could continue his work for the king, and Hideshi could start a new life. Two years had passed, and the young couple decides to have children, the create this family that they have always wanted together. They were blessed with twins, one boy, and one girl. They named the boy Hiroto Fujio, and the girl Joo Dee.

Joo Dee was a very sheltered child growing up, one who was bullied, did not have many friends, and ended up staying in her home most of the time to avoid the stresses of the outside world. It was extremely difficult making new friends in the area of prominently military family because she was not gifted with the ability to earth bend like her father and the rest of the children in school. Growing up in that military household where her father is always busy and mother was forced to be a housewife, Joo Dee would become very independent and feel very neglected. However, she would always maintain the top of her studies excelling mainly in the history of Ba Sing Se's military presence and ideologies. She would often happen to overhear meetings of her father and other military advisors speaking about the constant threats to the city from outside nations, and the possible collaboration of a new security team called the "Dai Li".

At the age of 14, Joo Dee began expressing interest in a military occupation to her father and wanted to learn more. But her father refused, over, and over again. "It's too dangerous" Genzo would say, "Go back and help your mother, and never speak of such nonsense again" He would re-iterate.

On Joo Dee's 15th birthday, a tragedy had happened. This newfound security forced called the Dai Li had infiltrated the household of Joo Dee and her family. Threatening Genzo, accusing him of withholding information about a planned attack on the king. While Joo Dee sat there witnessing helplessly in the corner, knowing all too well that this is not the way the government should be acting towards its own officials, she knew something was out of the ordinary. Joo Dee thought there is nothing better to do than try and defend her father. Lunging at the Dai Li soldiers, trying to make them leave, she was quickly struck and threw to the ground. Placed in earth bendable handcuffs and taken away, Joo Dee was officially helpless.

Joo Dee was not taken to any normal prison or confinement, she was taken outside the walls of Ba Sing Se to a place she would soon be familiar with called Lake Laogai. Taken through a tunnel that can only be accessed by the use of earth bending, she is confronted by a man who goes by the name of Long Feng, who is the leader and mastermind behind the Dai Li. Considering who Joo Dee is and the father figure she grew up with, Long Feng has some promising intentions with being able to use Joo Dee to his advantage.

Quickly taken away by the Dai Li bodyguards, Joo Dee was taken to a single room, held down, and brainwashed to believe that no such war existed. That everything and everyone was safe from the outside walls. And from that moment on, Joo Dee was the first woman to fall victim to the brainwashing of the Dai Li. Her purpose was to offer travelers a structured tour of the city, and to monitor anyone mentioning anything about the war.

From that point forward, Joo Dee's life would be controlled by the power of Long Feng and the Dai Li. Hoping that one day, this curse could be broken, and the truth behind Ba Sing Se's walls would be revealed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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