Chapter 1.

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(Authors note: this is my first book, sorry it's gonna be bad but enjoy.)

Jace looks at him her eyes full of admiration, instantly forgetting her mission. She was just enjoying the time she had, the fun times. The fun memories she has shared with him. A soft giggle escapes her lips she was watching him try to fix the phone. "Here, let me." she says taking hold of the phone and fixing it back the way it was supposed to be.

Bucky nods looking at her with a soft smile letting her take the phone. He spent about 5 minutes watching her fix the phone, since he of course didn't really know how to work one very well.

Once she was done she handed him the phone eyeing him as he took it. "Hey, buck about last night i'm sorry. I just get really touch about my past, i don't like talking about my family. Since they're all dead now." she tells him partially telling the truth, i mean she didn't have a family. They were all dead, but she never knew them at all. Her "family time" was being in a training room 12 hours a day for 22 years.

Bucky nods giving her a slight look of sympathy nodding his head. "It's okay, doll. I didn't take it personal, everyone has scars they don't talk about. I shouldn't have pushed on it, none of us should've." he says implying the team, they were the ones asking  about it with him.

she nods knowing if she said one wrong detail it would blow her cover. "Thanks for understanding buck, so shall we train?" she ask raising her eyebrow in a questioning manner as another idea sparked in her mind. "or we could go hang out with the others and actually be social. You know, something you don't really do." she says getting up, walking past him and patting his shoulder.

He shakes his head with a smile on his face, getting up and following behind her. "You don't really consider anyone's feelings before speaking do you?" he ask her pretending as if he was hurt by those words.

Jace lets a smile form on her lips as she bit her bottom lip trying not to laugh. "Did i hurt the worlds most deadliest assassins feelings?" she ask with a fake sympathy turning around and throwing a plum at him. "Get over it soldier." she winks, making her way into the room with the other's.

Bucky rolls his eyes at her words "hurt my feelings doll? no, maybe just annoyed me a little." he says telling the half truth. It's like she knew how to strike a nerve in him that nobody else did. How? he didn't know. She didn't even say anything rude or be unpleasant, but yet it angered him? "You know what grant, i take what i said yesterday back. i do hate you." he yells hearing a chuckle from her in return.

"We all know you love me barnes, cant hate me too much if you check up on me, now can you?" she ask turning the corner to the other room, walking through the doors of the hang out room.

Bucky rolls his eyes at her cockiness shaking his head as he looked down. Making his way into the room with the others. Maybe he shouldn't go through, not many of them like him anyways. It would probably be best if he sat this one, or all gatherings, out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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