Art 2

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THOMAS: Hey. You sort of left me hanging, just this time last year you were, right here, with me, and you were telling me how stars were formed. Now you're gone and I guess I'm just feeling, alone? I don't know.


But since you didn't finish telling me how stars are made, I went and learned for myself, thought I might share with you.

(THOMAS takes out a piece of paper and stars reading)

"Every day 275 million new stars are formed in the universe; how can that be an accident!? I want to believe you're one of them, maybe watching me?"

(Sighs and puts the paper away)

You told me before the cancer took you, I might start to feel, this way.

You told me you'd be in the stars.

Yet, here I am talking into a void, anxieties constantly overtake my thoughts, to the point I start doubting my doubts, I start to think maybe the cancer should have taken me instead.


But it didn't.

(THOMAS takes out the piece of paper again)

"Stars begin with a thing called gravitational instability, it happens within a molecular cloud and the reason is because of regions of higher density, massive stars then give off radiation that compresses clouds, then collisions of different molecular clouds cause them to collapse into a ball of plasma to form a star! And I guess depending on how hot it gets that determines what color of star you will be."

(THOMAS puts the paper way)

But then again, I got most of this information on Wikipedia or yahoo answer, so I guess science was never my strong suit, like you.


I just having been missing you a lot lately Dad, and I hope you're a beautiful star, shinning bright.

The Stars and IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora