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Dedicated to those affected by loneliness during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020.


                                               SALLY PETERSON: 18-year-old woman. Short hair.

                                               RYAN ROCKLY: 18-year-old man. Wears big glasses.


A Wednesday evening.

Top floor of a rundown apartment.


Lights up on a bedroom. Small bed along with a bong and a balcony. Sally sits criss cross applesauce next to the bong with a lighter. Sally lights the bong and takes a rip. Ryan enters through the balcony.

RYAN: "O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night!"

SALLY: Ryan? You scared me! You can't just come in unannounced.

RYAN: "I would I were thy bird."

SALLY: What?

RYAN: "Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest."

SALLY: Oh my god, you're so stoned right now, aren't you!?

(Sally laughs.)

RYAN: No way.

SALLY: Ryan Rockly, I've known you since the second grade! And you quote Shakespeare when you're stoned.

(Ryan shrugs)

RYAN: I've been known to do that from time to time.

SALLY: All because in the ninth grade you wanted to get all sweet on Wendy Flex, so you auditioned to play Romeo-

(Ryan flops down onto the floor and puts his head in Sally's lap)

RYAN: -Yeah, yeah, yeah. I auditioned, which was then followed by shame and regret and forever being haunted by the lack of love I missed out on, which in turn really made me question my existence.


(Ryan laughs)

SALLY: Ok Professor Stoner, what will we be learning in philosophy class today?

RYAN: Well, Sally, Peterson. Thanks for asking, we will be talking about how, God is dead! He remains dead! And we have killed him.

(Sally and Ryan laugh.)

SALLY: Professor Stoner?

RYAN: Yes Sally?

SALLY: (Sally does silly voice.) Can I introduce you to the newest philosopher, Mary Jane? (Hands Ryan the bong.)

RYAN: Oh hello, beautiful. I could look at you all day-

(Sally take the bong back.)

SALLY: Ryan, stop objectifying Mary Jane!

RYAN: Sorry!

(Ryan and Sally start laughing.)

(Sally lights the bong and takes a rip.)

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