Things go horribly right (or wonderfully wrong)

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"Aw, fuck."

Sunlight filtered through the blinds, casting strips of light across Jesse William's bed. The man thumped his fist on the keyboard as the respawn screen came up on his computer.

"That spawn was actual bullcrap. We're starting again, I refuse to stop streaming two minutes in." He loaded up a new world and pressed play. Sand surrounded his player on one side, open ocean on the other. He climbed up a little and saw a meadow and a small oak forest.

"Okay. I can work with this." He went to the tree and started collecting wood. A donation popped through, playing it's usual jingle as it came up. "Casey, thank you for the dono. favourite fruit is pineapple. Yes I have it on pizza. Least favourite is bananas." The chat started spamming about how he liked pineapple on pizza. Jesse himself quietened down for a few minutes and focused on getting enough wood to make tools.

Out of nowhere, a screeching filled his apartment: the fire alarm. He ignored it and continued digging into the side of a mountain to hide away for the night. The chat complained about the noise as he did so. Eventually the screeching stopped and someone ran to his door. Without knocking, they slammed it open.


"It wasn't me," he said, continuing to play.

Donna looked at him angrily. Her body was barely on the camera but when she marched in and folded her arms, you could see her. "We live together. Alone. You literally can't blame it on anyone else."

"Sorry stream, one second," Jesse paused the game and turned round to face her.

"You're streaming?!" She went red and backed away from the camera.

"Yes. And maybe I was hungry before I started."

"So you put toast in the toaster and thought it was a good idea to leave it?"

"Okay, in hindsight not the best idea-"

"Are we muted?"

Jesse's eyes widened as he turned round to check the stream. The chat was going to fast that it was causing Twitch to lag.

WolfclawGaming: Girlfriend?

Friesaregood: The girlfriend?!


hundwasserArt: OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD


Jesse turned back to Donna. "Ah. Sorry Donna, they heard all of that."

Donna rolled her eyes. "Why am I even...whatever, they were gonna find out eventually." She came closer. "Hey chat. Stream. Ugh, I don't know. I'm Donna, Jesse's girlfriend. Sending you all love from the east coast." She backed up again. "When you've finished, you can make more toast Jes."

She left the room, closing the door softly behind her. Smiling, Jesse turned back to the stream.

chileanywaysACAB: Omg her name's Donna

MinecraftStanley: we know her name!

JJBakes: o-o name pog

Faustie: That was the cutest thing! Ever!

WanderingSoul: girlfriend pog

"Oookaayyy I'm ending the stream early. I have a date with some food. See ya!" Jesse ended the stream and quickly turned his equipment off. He closed the blinds to cool the room down a bit before leaving the room. The fanbase was going to have a lot of fun with Donna's impromptu reveal.

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