The kissing

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(This one takes place during season three filming)

"Ok,are you guys ready to film?" Shawn yelled.

Finn and Millie glanced at eachother before nodding there heads yes.

"Ok,we might have to run this scene a couple of times,so get ready for that. Do you two want to practice a little?"
Shawn asked making the two teens blush madly.

Finn looked at Millie,who just sighed and nodded,making Finn turn his head. "Sure."


Finn and Millie both leaned in,and started to kiss one another. They moved there lips together in sink,her hands cupping his face,and his hands travelling from her arms,to her knees and thighs.

Finn pulled away and blurted out his lines. "And nobody wants to know where you now. Duh duh!" "Nobody wants to show you hooww"

"Mike stop," "Mike!" "Mike!" Millie said while cupping his face.

"What,you dont like it?" Finn said as Mike.

"Noo," Millie said as El.

They leaned back in and continued kissing.

"And,cut!" Shawn yelled,making the two pull away panting,and catching there breath.

"Ok,now were gonna film the scene with Hopper looking at you guys,so kiss again!" Shawn yelled happily. 😎

Finn and Millie both sighed,before leaning back in and kissing once more.

"Hey!" David yelled as Hopper.

Millie flung her hand out to "shut the door",

"Hey! Three inch minimum! Leave the door open three inches!"

"El. Open this door. Open the-"

David husted through the door to see both of them doing there job,and being very "oblivious".

"What's wrong?" Finn said,now grinning while holding his comic.

"And cut! That's a wrap! Good job today guys!" Shawn yelled out,finally,everyone could go to sleep.

"Hey,Good job Millie.." Finn said.

"Thanks,you to." She replied,blushing awkwardly.

"See you tomorrow."

"Ok,see you tomorrow. Bye Finnie." She said, making him blush at the nickname.

"Bye Mills."

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