The soulmate Phenomenon(pt 1)(Dave Strider)

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Notes: You are 19 so is Karkat. 

Warnings: Swearing, other than that mentions of insomnia. but 99% fluff

Soulmate au: When you turn 18 your left eye becomes the color of your Twin flame's, and when your eyes meet your eye color goes back to normal. After your 18 the day after meeting someone a mark appears somewhere on yours and their body signifying that they are meant to be in your life.

Definitions (off of google):

Twin flame: Sometimes discussed in terms of a "mirror soul" or "soul connection", a twin flame is the other half of your soul. It is theorized that a soul can split into two after ascending to a high frequency. "When you are together with your twin flame you feel a love like no other you have ever experienced"

Soulmate: Someone who is meant to be in your life, more often times than not non romantically. Be it a family member or just a friend that is meant to be in your life.

Pain. That's all you felt every time someone mentioned the soulmate phenomenon. The reason being is that people who were soulmates had heterochromia. Meaning that the person would have one eye that is the color of their soulmate's and the other was their own. Once you found your soulmate or 'Twin Flame' you would recognize your own eye color and your eyes would both become the original eye color that they were supposed to be. This would start when you turned 18.

Your problem was that yes you had heterochromia but your doctors couldn't decide whether or not yours was a genetic mutation or if it was the phenomenon, mainly due to the fact your natural eye color was (e/c) but your other eye was crimson red. The other fact was that you were born like this, yes it was possible for people who were soulmates with someone in a past life and either never found their soulmate or one of them died too soon so they got reincarnated to 'try again'. But who the fuck had naturally crimson red eyes?? And you being you just thought that it was your shitty luck that you would be the 1 in a million people who was born without a soulmate.

You huffed as you once again turned over in your bed as these thoughts ran rapid inside of your head for what seemed like the 100th day in a row. You suffered through your mind being ablaze like this nightly, normally sleeping with your room freezing cold would help you to calm your mind and fall asleep peacefully, but there was one problem. Your ac quit working, and the repair man wouldn't be there until 2pm the next day. So here you were at 3am sweating your ass off in the Texas heat and trying to catch some z's.

Just as you were finally settling down to try to sleep, your phone goes off. The buzz scaring you half to death in your half-asleep state.

"I am literally going to kill whoever is messaging me at 3 in the morning..." You grumbled as you snatched your phone from under your pillow and squinted as your eyes tried desperately to adjust to the unexpected intrusion of light.

New Message from:

Fiery Crackhead.

"Hey Nookstain, You up?"

Recevied 3:30am

You groaned; it was the king of insomnia himself. 'Fiery Crackhead' was your best friend aka Karkat Vantas. You two have been close since you were little, your family calling you both the "demon twins" due to you two being like two peas in a pod since the moment you met. Along with causing mischief you both had red eyes. You only having one where Karkat had both due to him being albino. Once you found out about the Phenomenon you grew a cliché crush on your best friend when you turned 16. Simply due to the fact that he was the only person you knew with red eyes, and yours matched, along with you two getting along so well. So, your hormonal hopeless romantic teenage mind drew the conclusion that Karkat had to be your 'twin flame'/soulmate. You planned it all out to where on his 18th birthday you were going to confess when his one eye turned to (e/c). You played through dates in your head, and different scenarios that would happen once you guys were romantically involved.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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