The Hunter's Handbook

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Our organization:

We've been founded by Ulysses Norbert Owen a repentant demonologist who wished to use the Glory and Riches provided to him by Satan for the good of Mankind - especially the peoples who are closest to his heart. The poor, the ignorant, the weak. He helped the poor of Detroit and other poverty stricken cities by building them back up. Now is the time to help the ignorant and weak.

Our purpose:

Only the top 1% knows of the evils that hide in this world's underbelly. The cryptids that capture, rape and kill hundreds every year. The Witches who kill thousands every day. Hidden and not so hidden wars of governments, organizations and irresponsible mages impacting the daily lives of every living being on earth. The Elementals and Gods that threaten the fabric of reality each second. Yet the world is not ready to reveal this truth yet. Revealing it could allow us to arm almost everyone of the 99% with magic and propel us into a new glorious age of magical technologies beyond our imagination. But the chaos that would await us could easily end humanity if we don't do it right. So the ignorant and weak live in a world full of supernatural dangers they are neither aware of nor are equipped to stop. And what do other organizations do? Nothing. They focus on each other and the dangers to the top 1%. Of course we understand that their work is important - a rogue Master or even Enchanter of any form of magic could very well start a disaster with just one simple spell... but we can't forget about all the John Does of the world. Faces of countless children keep getting printed on missing persons posters and us mages know EXACTLY where these children are. Dead and mutilated in lairs of wendigos, chained and forced to work in mines of cursed dwarves, enslaved and toyed with by witches... While other organizations focus on stopping videos of dragons getting onto the internet or fight silent wars covered up as 'terrorist attacks' and 'mass shootings' we will protect the common folk from common dangers. Starting from West Virginia, Ohio and Michigan, we shall expand into the entirety of United States and go global after that.

Our plans for The Reveal:

The Hunters Lodge plans on maintaining the status quo and respecting the wishes of Irkstead when it comes to hiding the existence of magic. However we WILL NOT eliminate innocent witnesses nor actively pursue every civilian that comes into contact with the supernatural. We will instead focus on recruiting witnesses to our cause. If the witness for some reason cannot be allowed to escape with the knowledge of what he has seen we will prioritize capture or brainwashing over murder. Our agents will however be completely permitted to shoot and kill civilians who attack them. For the purposes of capture our teams shall be equipped with targeting and tracking spells. Brainwashing shall be done via standard Fugue spells - civilian targets will become disoriented and wander away from the caster, confusing their recent memories with dreams. Recruited civilians will receive copies of this Handbook and enchanted with a targeting spell for another team to find them and pay them a visit. We will have a small team tasked with information warfare and manipulating local news stories. However, we already have a cooperation agreement with The Information Division of Irkstead to handle most of our coverups. Irkstead approves of our efforts to defend the civilian population even if our ideologies don't fully match up. Cabal Liberis has likewise agreed to provide us with some of their resources, including the dark web markets and forums they manage. We will cooperate with all organizations when it comes to helping out the common man until The Reveal happens. When it does, we shall reveal ourselves to the world and protect civilians in the ensuing chaos, staying as neutral as we can in whatever conflicts arise. We cannot fully disclose the details of our projects for the worst case scenarios. However, to prove our dedication to helping humanity, we have started construction of an underground city in an undisclosed location in the United States. Upon completion, this fully autonomous vault will be able to comfortably house 50 thousand people and could easily be expanded to house another hundred thousand. Once the first city is completed, we will move on to building another, on a different continent to ensure survival and diversity of humanity, and hopefully other races. If you are a civilian reading this you might be feeling angry or afraid - 'What are we? 1950's Americans scared of the Cold War?'. Yes, that's exactly what's happening right now and you weren't even aware. Magic is a powerful tool that everyone can hold. When a mage reaches the level of Enchanter, he is basically as powerful as a nuclear arsenal. And that's not even a fair comparison due to how many schools of magic there are - a nuke simply destroys while a mind mage can rule an entire country from the shadows. Magic can lead to many disasters, some of which we can't even begin to imagine and we plan to help humanity live through them while other organizations work on the 'bigger picture' and creating a society where the worst case scenario DOES NOT happen.

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