Chapter 1

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Hey my name is Zunair. It means light of the moon; I gave it to myself because I lost my old name. You're probably wondering how someone looses their name. Well when you were tortured for 10 years it slips your mind. And all I could see was the moon, hence my name. Now you're probably wondering why I was tortured. I ask that same question everyday, but the answer they gave me was because I'm a werewolf. My kidnappers are hunters and they despise werewolves. Don't know why though.

Anyway, they've experimented on me for 10 years. When I was 6 or 7 I lost my hearing because of those tests. I still don't know why I can still see, when I went through that hell. I can also read lips thanks to them mocking me over the years. Now the only things I can hear are my thoughts and my wolf Pathos. I know, my wolf has a cool name, and it turns out he's an alpha wolf. I thought it was cool, my tormentors, not so much. That just caused the pain to become more severe. We could only take so much, and since I was an alpha the wounds would heal.

And when I was 13 I think, Pathos snapped. He turned rouge and killed all the hunters. It took me 2 weeks to calm him down. That was a nightmare; thank the goddess that we couldn't get out of the building. Thanks to me we got our human form and reason back, but our eyes turned red in wolf form. So afterwards, I stole clothes and money and went on the run.

It's been 5 years since then. 4 months after the escape, I met rouge named Bradley Royce. He was a man in his late 20's. He also has a deaf daughter and son he named Everly and Evangel .They were fraternal twins and also 13 like me. Unlike me, they are feral child. That means they were born and raised outside a pack so we're born with red eyes. He took me in, taught me sign language, school education, and everyday life. Apparently, he was a linguistics and English teacher for some school. He also became rouge because; his pack was abusive since he's an omega. I think him being an omega, made me feel more calm and safe, that's why I trusted him.

He was the mate of their gamma Even Royce, they mated but the alpha had a thing of hating the lgbtq community, so he killed him. What a dick am I right? Bradley escaped and gave birth to their kids after escaping. Anyway, so I live with him and his kids, and he gave me the name Zunair Royce when he adopted me, illegally I might add, but hey, what can one do when you're a rogue.

Now, we're moving to Tampa Bay Florida because, dad got a job at a local high school teaching Japanese and English. We will also be going to school he works at. I hate hearing school, but dad says we should broaden our horizons, because not everything is sunshine and rainbows. Well I already know that, did he forget that I was tortured all those years?

The new house is not in a pack territory, its neutral, so rouge wolves can go to school without being killed. At least are lives are secured, but the house is cool, anything beets the cells.
Dam right it does, just thinking of those bastards makes me want to rip them off all over again. My lovely wolf said.
True Pathos, but what's up you seem more agitated since we got here?
Don't know, but somethings going to happen, I don't like this feeling so we need to stay alert.
Can we ever get a break with these situations? I swear we were cursed by the moon goddess herself! What did I do in a past life to deserve this?
We will never know. Don't worry if something does happen I'll take over and use the alpha voice.

Turns out since I know how to talk, I use the alpha voice unknowingly since I can't hear. I learned this when I was practicing my speech with dad and I used it and he submitted to me. I was panicking because I didn't know what was happening. Then after a few minutes he explained that I used the alpha voice. It happened a lot so I decided not to use my voice unless necessary.

When something happens Pathos will take over and use it. He's better at it anyway, and I'll stop him if he goes to far. On another note, apparently Everly and Evangel aren't affected by it since she is deaf. Dad was grumbling how lucky she was but she can feel the dominance, but she will submit since she a submissive and Evangel is a half so he can resist a bit more. I think it has something to do with them being a gamma wolf as well. Even though she's a gamma, she is a submissive. Meaning her partner will be either a beta or alpha wolf. While Evangel will be the same but might have an Omega as a mate as well. Half's usually have multiple mates according to dad.

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