Fears and Failures

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Thunder rumbled through the crisp, autumn air when Adeline 'Addie' Walker arrived at the crime scene. It was a gruesome triple homicide - someone had broken into a young couple's flat and shot them and their small daughter while they slept.

Addie flashed her badge outside the home and ducked under the yellow crime scene tape. This was the latest in a series of brutal slayings perpetrated by the same person; a serial killer known only as Deadeye.

The family's bodies had already been removed from the scene. The only thing that remained of them was the white tape that showed where they were executed. Addie's partner, Larry MacEllen, was already standing in the bedroom where Amir and Lara Arfour - two of the three victims - had met their untimely end.

Larry looked at her and shook his head solemnly. "Who could do this to another person?" he murmured. "We have to catch this guy, Addie."

"We're going to catch him." Addie walked over and stood next to her partner, staring at the bed that had once been a place of comfort for the now-dead family. "What've you found so far?"

"They were killed by a gunshot to the forehead, like the rest. Amir Asfour was asleep when he died, but his wife, Lara, woke up and tried to make a run for the door." Larry's voice broke. "She didn't even make it three steps from the bed."

Addie winced. "And their kid?"

"Most likely Mary was shot while she was asleep. We don't think that she was awake for the murder of her parents, thank heavens."

"Larry, I should go check out the other crime scene. Stay here and gather what evidence you can." Addie turned to leave. "I'll meet you outside in an hour and we'll exchange information."

Larry nodded but didn't speak. Addie looked at him one last time before leaving. The other bedroom was small but cozy. The walls were bright pink, and white hearts dotted the room. Addie peeked out into the hall to make sure that no one could see her before kneeling down by the bed.

To anyone who walked in, it would have looked almost like Addie was praying. Addie shut her eyes and breathed in deeply before re-opening them. Her eyes glowed white, illuminating the compact room. But she could no longer see the pink walls and bloodstained sheets. Instead, her world turned white and wispy, as if it were made of smoke. The silhouette outline of a small figure was visible.

"Who's there?" a high-pitched, shaky voice rang out. "Please go away. I want my mama." The figure started to tremble. "It hurt and I want mama to make it better."

Addie focused on the wispy profile, and it slowly started to flicker into focus. It was a little girl of about six. The child had long, braided brown hair and large, honey-coloured eyes. She was wearing purple and blue Minnie Mouse pyjamas.

"Shh." Addie soothed the crying child. "Everything's going to be alright. What's your name?"

The girl sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I'm Mary Arfour."

"Hello Mary. I'm Adeline, but you can call me Addie." Addie smiled kindly at the girl. "Your pyjamas are very pretty. Do you like Minnie Mouse?"

Mary perked up, her tears forgotten. "I love Minnie Mouse! I watch her show every Sunday."

"Mary, could you try to answer some questions for me?"

Mary nodded hesitantly. "I think so."

Addie drew in a deep breath before beginning. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

"I remember the monster." Mary's voice went quiet. "He was scary."

Addie swallowed the lump in her throat. "Can you please tell me about the monster?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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