Chapter 1

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My eyes dance over the small cracks in the floor, following them all around my room taking it in as it will probably be my last time seeing it. It's Surfacing day; stupid title right? I guess that's what happens when you stuff 1,697 men, woman, and children underground in a cement and metal depression centre for 10 years. Even though technically it's called Vault 31, I like my name better.

I follow a crack that leads to the door and my eyes land on a pair of boots. Glancing up my eyes meet my fathers. He lets out a warm smile causing his face to slightly wrinkle.

"You ready? It's almost time"

"You say that like I have a choice" I scoff before grabbing my bag from beside me and standing up to walk out. He doesn't move from my door way as I look past him.

"Listen," His voice comes out low, "I know we don't always see eye to eye but I want you to know that I love you, you're all I have left"

I keep a straight face, swallowing hard I stay silent.

He wants me to falter, show weakness just so he can tell me he was right and I'm worthless. He doesn't love me and never did.

I clear my throat and give a nod, "I'm gonna be late if you don't move" I say flatly, the sooner I get there the sooner I'll get out those doors and the sooner I'll either die or get as far away as possible from this man.

He lets out a sigh before stepping aside, "thanks," I mumble as I step past him and head towards the main room.

The sound of voices echoing through the halls slowly get louder as I approach, dodging a couple young kids running past. I take a deep breath right before I enter through the big doorway which opens up to a higher ceiling, the bright lights almost mimicking real sunlight. My eyes can't help but scan over peoples pale smiling faces, they're so excited, so hopeful. Bouncing from face to face my eyes finally land on the stage where a group of 7 stands, smiling.

They're sending 10 of us up, me being the youngest at 19 and the oldest's being kody and Thayne at 25. The rest are supposed to be in between but mentally they all seem to be teens still; dumb and reckless. I guess that's why we're the ones they're sending.

Lightly pushing through the crowd I make my way to the group, climbing up I'm greeted by Samantha King's warm smile.

"Here's you're rations dear, remember to check your water container as sometimes it leaks" she says with a warm smile handing me a dark bag that I gently take. She nods her head before turning around to face her husband; Jack King, who seems lost in conversation with their son Kody.

Walking to the back behind everyone else I kneel dow and take my bag and stuff the littler one inside. I feel something hard hit my back, causing me to fall forward a bit. Quickly looking up I see Aza Dumbeećh walk by without even acknowledging me, followed by her brother who sends a quick sheepish glance my way and mouths an 'I'm sorry'. I just nod it off and rise back up to my feet, brushing off my knees.

"I can't be the only one who thinks her last name is way too fitting for her can I?" The voice of Riley Clark's rings in my ears. I let out a laugh at his words because he's not wrong.

"Nope, I'm vary much with you on that one" I reply with another laugh.

The sound of a metal objects bouncing across the floor turns my attention to a man in his late 40's with an angry expression on his face. "This is bullshit!" He yells, "why the hell are we sending a bunch of kids up there? We all know they're just gonna die! Why not just send a bunch of us older guys who actually know a thing or two about our god damn planet!"

Silence falls over the crowd, "Mr.Jones," the cold icy voice of Mayor Fraya echoes off the walls, "we've talked about this, these fine young adults have worked so hard to be on this stage today. They are our second chance at living again. They volunteered to fix our mistakes, you should be grateful" I can't help but roll my eyes at her words, earning me a nudge to the side from Riley who I guess noticed.

"Hell I volunteered too, but you didn't pick anyone over 25! why's that huh? You want us all to die down here?" He says starting to take steps forward but two other men stop him.

Fraya lets out a soft laugh, "You don't see it do you? The planet burned because we messed up, but these kids? they were too young to fall into our foot steps so sending them up there with everything new we've taught them will make sure it doesn't happen again. They will make the earth way greater then we ever could. I understand your displeasure but I promise you by sending them up we will see the sunlight again" with her words, the crowd starts clapping and cheering, brainwashed with hope.

She turns to face us, a wanna be warm smile on her face, "It's time" she says, placing a hand on Sams shoulder and giving a nod. Sam quickly pulls her son into a hug and gives him a peck on the cheek before quickly leaving the stage into her husbands waiting arms. My eyes travel over the faces of all the parents of us, some holding smiles, others holding tears. Then they stop on my dads face, from the distance he offers a small smile that I'm pretty sure was forced.

"Before they leave, we shall remember their names," Fraya holds her arms out to the crowd before walking to the side, "Aiden and Aza Dumbeećh, Amber Fenrick, Becca Grentle, Hazel leMay, Kai Myer, Kody King, Mathew Marshal, Riley Clark, and Thayne Kazzy! May you be our light"

"May you be our light" the crowd repeats.

Turning back to us, she motions to the stair case beside the stage that we all start walking up. 102 steps later we reach the top, it's nothing fancy or exciting just another metal door. We wait until she's at the top before two older men type in a code that opens it to yet, another metal door. This one looking a bit more intimidating and heavy.

"The code is 2130, wait until this door is completely sealed and you hear five beeps" Fraya says calmly with a stone smile.

"And what happens if we choose to not open it cause we don't want to, I don't know, die?" Hazys sarcastic tone fills the room.

"Well, sweet Hazel If you choose not to open that door I'm going to have my men come up here and shoot you all dead, or if I want to avoid blood shed, your rations are good enough to last you a week so you'll eventually starve to death and then when people ask I'll let them know that you were all cowards"

"You sadistic bitch" The words leave my lips before I can even stop them. Fraya cocks her head to me before grabbing a knife out of one of the men's sides and stepping up close and holding it to my throat. The cool blade presses into my skin as her stone coloured eyes look into mine. I watch as her eyes take on fire like spark as a smile slowly creeps onto her lips.

"I hope you die first, Kai Myer" she whispers before stepping away and passing the knife back to the man. Without looking back she commands over her shoulder, "close the door" before disappearing down the stairs. The men do what she says, making sure we were all in the front room before clicking into the key pad making the door slide down, lock, and beep five times.

"Kai!" A hand on my shoulder pushes me to face Matty, "what the fuck were you thinking, you could of got us killed!"

I push his hand off my shoulder, "but I didn't did I? And if you ever put your hands on me again it'll be the last thing you do"

"Guys," Thaynes deep voice cuts in just as Matty opens his mouth to speak back, he taps Matty's chest till he takes a couple steps back, "she was just saying what was on everybody else's minds okay? I know we're all scared of what's on the other side of those doors but if we want any chance of surviving we need to get along and work together, understand?" Everybody gives a little nod and some mumbles of agreement, "Good, lets get this over with shall we? Kody" He looks over the crowd and gives a nod to Kody who's standing by the pin pad.

He nods back and slowly starts pressing the numbers in.

1st beep

2nd beep

3rd beep

4th beep

What sounds like air locks release, sending a small dust cloud towards us. The doors give a loud thud before breaking the seal in the middle letting in a blinding ray of white. I pull my arms up to block out the light but it only gets brighter and brighter as the doors open until everything's white.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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