Pt 1: Maggie's Backstory

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Saturn and Galaxy Little sat on the couch reading their favorite their book, Maggie.

"Galaxy, why do we like this book so much?" Saturn asked.

"What do you mean?" The older sister asked.

"I mean it's about a girl who goes crazy and turns into a psychopath who goes around killing people."

"Heh, yeah you're right. I mean it is a pretty good story, the way the author tells it is amazing."

"Yeah you got me there."

The girls continued reading late into the night.

The next morning, Galaxy announced a surprise camping trip.



"Y'know what we should do tonight?"

"I don't know, what?"

"We should go camping!"

"Yes! Let's go get packed!"

They packed up and drove up the mountains. They found a spot and unpacked their things.

After a nice campfire dinner and dessert, Saturn snuck off into the woods. After a while, Galaxy was starting to get nervous.

"Hey uh Saturn? Where did you go?"

No answer.

"Saturn! Saturn I'm getting worried!"

All of a sudden loud bang echoed through the sky. Galaxy looked up and saw beautiful fireworks.

"Aw Saturn's missing this."

"Am I?" Saturn replied.

Galaxy let out a small yelp.

"Oh it's just you Saturn." She laughed. "Did you do this?"

"I did. You like it?"

"I do, thank you."

Saturn smiled at her and the fireworks stopped. 

"It's getting late, let's get to bed." Galaxy suggested.

The sisters headed into their tent and fell asleep.

In the morning they ate breakfast. 

"Hey Saturn?"


"We should pack up and go home."


"Believe me I don't want to go either but there's a storm coming and I don't want to get rained on."


They packed up and started on the way home. After an hour of driving, Galaxy realized that they were lost.

"Uh Saturn, are you sure this is the right way?"

"Of course I do! Remember all these trees?"

"No actually. I don't think I saw this many trees."

"Oh crap. This is the way I took with Delilah when we went exploring."


"I'm sorry! We'll just wait out the storm."


After a little while, the rain started to lighten up. 

"Galaxy, I'm going to get out of the car. I love the rain!"

"Okay, just be careful."

"I will!"

Saturn hopped out of the car and went out into the rain. Galaxy saw lighting so she quickly opened the car door and yelled at Saturn.

"Saturn! There's lightning! Please get back in the car!"

"Galaxy I'm fine!"

Saturn ran deep into the woods. Galaxy hopped out of the car and ran after her.

"Saturn! Saturn where are you?!" Galaxy cried out.

Boom! Crack! 

"What was that?! Saturn please come out! It's not safe out here!"

Galaxy venture father and saw Saturn's lifeless body on the ground.

"Saturn!" Galaxy screamed.

She picked her up and carried her to the car.

"Saturn wake up! Please!" Galaxy begged. 

Saturn sat up with a start.

"Saturn! You're okay!"

"I'm not the Saturn you know."


"My name is Maggie."

"Are you talking about the girl from our book?"

"No. Because she does not exist, I am real."

And with that, she ran off into the woods and was never seen again. Not by Galaxy at least.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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