Chapter 1 Where it all begins...

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Red: Well gg everybody I clearly always win. Purple: Shutup Red! Orange: Oh please, at least your not a cheese head who always dies first. Green: OH MY GOSH GUYS! Yellow: What do you want Green? Green: W-w-white is d-dead! Lime: Oh my go- Purple: I cant even believe this is happening! Orange: Were not in the video game right now what's going on!? Black: There's a murderer... AMONG US! Brown: Oh god no! Yellow: So it could be any 11 of us!? Cyan: I always get framed. Purple: Does this mean we have to vote on a killer!? Blue: But we have no evidence it's just whites dead body here! Orange: Let's all just skip! Green: okay here's the game plan we all do our tasks and find some evidence- Yellow: wait what Green, I stopped listening when you said "here's the game plan." Red: Ya what were you saying? Green: oh my gosh we're all gonna die! Black: What Green? Green: Do you guys seriously not listen!? Cyan: huh? Green: I hate you all, screw you guys! Pink: I think we need to come up with a game plan! Red: Your right! Green: I- Pink: Okay so let's do our tasks then we need to have somebody be in charge of security cameras! Brown: I'll do security! Pink: Alright everyone else do tasks and please be safe! Orange: Aye Aye Cap'n Green: that basically was my fu**ing plan! Yellow: Oh hey green when did you get here? Green: IskckakcakdkksvkEiqocJq *everyone teleports to cafeteria* Black: okay I gotta go to Admin! Brown: So I have Security job, aight I can do that! Lime: hmm I have a task in electrical. Yellow: People always die in electrical ;) Lime: uhm. Purple: Yellow, I'm already suspicious of you! Red: Ya me too! Orange: Oh so y'all are those type of people. Pink: ugh they're the people who call anyone out for being "sus" Green: Hey Pink And Orange psst let's vote Purple or Red. Pink: wait what were you saying? Orange: Green were you talking? Green: I'm just gonna go to Lower Engine, byeee! Orange: Hey where did Green go? Pink: I don't know, I wasn't listening to him. *in lower engine* Yellow: Oh my gosh it's greens body! Yellow: but Green sucks, should I report it, Nah! *cyan walks in* Cyan: Oh my goodness- it's you! *Cyan and Yellow race to emergency button* Cyan: *click* Okay emergency meeting! I saw Yellow standing by Greens dead body not reporting it! Yellow: No Wait! I swear I didn't do it! Cyan: No Yellow your hella sus! Pink: Wait Where was the body? Yellow: lower engine. Pink: And why didn't you report the body? Yellow: Because I hate Green he's stupid! Pink: So you admit you didn't like him so much you would kill him? Yellow: that's not what I said! Black has voted 9 remaining. Yellow: oh my gosh, no! Red has voted 8 remaining. Yellow: *starts crying* Brown: I never saw any evidence of Yellow on cameras I'm just gonna skip. Brown has voted 7 remaining. Yellow: *wipes tears* Okay I'll skip! Yellow has voted 6 remaining. Orange: Nah we still voting for you, Yellow. Orange has voted 5 remaining. Lime: Ya! Lime has voted 4 remaining. Pink has voted 3 remaining. Purple has voted 2 remaining. Cyan has voted 1 remaining. Blue has voted 0 remaining. 7 votes for Yellow, 2 votes to skip. Yellow Was Not The Imposter. Purple: *gasps* Pink: oh my gosh we just murdered Yellow for no reason! Red: He lowkey was so sus I was so confident it was him! Orange: Oh my gosh Red And his stupid "sus" accusations! Blue: Guys Stop! We're all gonna die here if we keep fighting!

 Purple: *gasps* Pink: oh my gosh we just murdered Yellow for no reason! Red: He lowkey was so sus I was so confident it was him! Orange: Oh my gosh Red And his stupid "sus" accusations! Blue: Guys Stop! We're all gonna die here if we keep fighting!

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