Names and there meanings Female A-C

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Ally: Harmony, stone or noble.
Ashley: lives in the ash of a tree grove.
Anna: favor of grace
Abby: Gives joy
Alice: Nobility
Abigail: Gives joy
Alisia: Noble
Amanda: lovable, worthy of love.
Amy: beloved
Ann: princess
Afina: Blueberry
Alana: Harmony, stone, noble.
Alison: sweet
Aura: wind or breath
Astrid: godly strength
Alexis: to defend or help
Arwen: fair or fine
Arden: highland
Aubrey: rule with elf wisdom
Amelia: industrious, striving, defender.
Arianna: chaste, very holy
Addison: son of adam (even though it's female).
Anabeth: favor or grace
Brenda: sword or torch
Brittney: ancient dutch of bretagne in france.
Bonnie: pretty attactive
Blair: battlefield
Breanna: strength
Breeze: gentle wind
Becky: captivating
Bailey: officer
Betty: oath of god or God is satisfaction.
Beth: oath of god or God is satisfaction
Bethany: house of figs
Chloe: green shot, fresh blooming
Carrie: strong willed, wise or hero
Crystal: ice or follower of christ
Cora: maiden
Constance: firm of purpose
Claudia: lame
Clarissa: brightly clear or famous
Celine: sky or heaven
Caroline: strong
Camilla: server for the temple, freeborn, noble
Christina: follower of christ
Charlotte: free men or petite

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