This is my first attempt trying to make a fanfic, if someone reads it, you can tell me what you think about it :)
Hi, I guess you're here trying to know what happened between the pretty boy and me. Well, the thing is I don't even know how all of this happened. Let's start from the very beginning.

It was a cold morning in the always busy city of Las Vegas, it was a Saturday. I was running late for my work at the coffee shop when I accidentally bumped into something, or someone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming, I was distracted on my phone" he said, "are you okay?"

When I looked up I saw him. Oh god, he was freaking handsome, no kidding, he seemed like a nerdy but hot guy. Is that possible? I guess the answer is yes.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said, "I'm sorry though, I'm running late for work and I didn't see you coming neither" I laughed nervously.

I was nervous since I saw him, his handsomeness doesn't help that much, it makes me feel more nervous than I already am.

"Oh okay, I'm kinda late too now that I see the hour" he said looking at the watch on his wrist.

Oh my freaking god, his hands.

"Well, I guess I have to go" I said

"Me too, bye girl" he said

"Girl" I murmured, "Bye, pretty boy" I said

When I realized what just came out of my mouth I started to walk fast to the coffee shop, it wasn't that far. I entered the coffee shop and I saw her, Marissa, my friend.

"You're not late, if you think you are" she said

"My phone says the opposite" I said confused while getting my hair in a pony tail.

"I know you damm well y/n and yesterday when I went to your home I changed the hour of your phone or else you would've be late" she laughed

I just have her a look and then laughed. Work was normal for the first hour but then I saw him and I paralyzed.

"Hi" he said trying not to laugh, "can I get a regular coffee and" he looked at the candies and grabbed a bag of sour patch kids "these"

"four dollars and sixty-five cents please" I said trying not to stutter

He payed and when he was about to leave the shop he said

"Don't think I forgot you called me pretty boy" he smiled and then he left

I was just there, shaking because I was nervous and red like a tomate because of what he said.
The rest of the day at work kept going as normal, random people, girls mad at me because they think I'm flirting with their boyfriend but i'm just trying to be nice to keep my work, some kids running on the sore and more people...

"See you tomorrow y/n" Marissa said waving at me

"Bye Marissa" I said while closing the shop

Marissa went away with her boyfriend and I just went home. When I got there I opened the door and my cat was there, sleeping like always. I went to take a shower and after that I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about that guy, "pretty boy", who in the hell calls a stranger like that? a freaking handsome stranger though. After that I just fell asleep.


Hi :>
So this is chapter one, and I don't know how to feel about it, I don't think anyone's going to read this but yeah... I'll keep posting when I have a chance.
I don't have anything to say other than that so bye
( ˘ ³˘)❤

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