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                It was the first night of tour. Always. Every time it happened. The first night of the “Nothing Rhymes with Circus” tour. The night that will always be ingrained in my mind. On stage singing with a band. Within a year, Panic! at the Disco had made it from high-school boys in a band, to being on a world tour. I was having the time of my life, singing every night, still surprised when the pay check was put in the bank. Things couldn’t have been better. Brendon had made my life worth living again; I owed it all to him, my secret boyfriend. It had to be a secret, we had no choice. Spencer and Jon couldn’t know. They didn’t know that either of us were gay to start with, let alone gay together. We’d been together since joining the band and it was weird that they hadn’t found out yet. We didn’t think we were hiding it very well, Spencer and Jon probably just thought it was stage-gay.

                The last song quickly finished and we were all smiling from ear-to-ear. We were quickly and loudly applauded and we bowed, Jon leading us off-stage. Jon and Spence shared a dressing room, as did Bren and I. That’s how it was. Always. Spencer and Jon went back to their dressing room and I followed Brendon back to ours. Without saying a word, he soon started taking off his clothes that had clung to every inch of his gorgeous body, all coated with a few beads of sweat. Something was wrong with my boyfriend and I didn’t know what. Brendon was left standing in our dressing room in his boxers and then I started to strip down myself. We both took off our already-smudged make-up and turned to look at each other, both in our underwear. Brendon stood up from the mirror and looked up at me. “Hey gorgeous,” he said with a sexy tone, raising and eyebrow. “Hey there,” I said, winking. Brendon leant around me and locked the dressing room door. We didn’t have a concert tomorrow, we had a day off. That meant that we wouldn’t get back on the tour bus tonight, we’d sleep in our dressing rooms.

                Brendon looked me up and down, biting his lip. “What? Never seen me in underwear before?” I sarcastically say to him. “Not that I can recall, just refreshing my memory,” he says cheekily, licking his lips. We walk towards each other, my hands wrapping around Brendon’s waist, his around my neck. Our lips softly press against each other, gaining energy. Brendon’s tongue slid across my bottom lip, begging for me to let him in. I denied, teasing my already horny boyfriend. Brendon shoved his tongue harder, now gently biting my lip. I couldn’t take it anymore, I let him in. Brendon’s tongue was writhing around in my own mouth, sending energy shooting down to my crotch. He tightened his grip around my neck, pulling my body closer to his own. I was intoxicated by this man, everything he did and everything he said. He was addictive, a drug. I was the addict, he was my fix. Every day I wanted more, he was worse than anything I’d ever taken before. I lost control and I didn't want it back. I was going numb; my mind had been hijacked by him. Brendon kept pulling me closer, until we were walking backwards towards our bed. I fell backwards onto the bed, Brendon landing on top of me. This was no accident; it was a therapeutic chain of events. This had happened so many times before; it was turning into a routine, every night after we came off stage. A well done for making it so long without fucking each other’s brains out.

                Brendon was on top of me, our lips never leaving each other’s. He was pushing me down, grinding himself onto my crotch, both of us throbbing through our underwear. Brendon ripped his lips from mine, tracing them across my cheekbone, down my neck. He knew it like the back of his hand, teasing me. He gently bit my neck. I edged my hand down his chest, stomach and landed on his crotch, leaving my hand to linger, stroking the inside of his thigh. Brendon let out a loud moan before biting my neck even harder. Harder than usual, meaning it would be harder to cover up tomorrow. The boys soon had to notice us covered in bites, it would be impossible for them to not notice. Brendon’s lips soon re-joined mine and our hands were all over each other. I started to tug at the waistband of his underwear. Brendon soon got the hint, and quickly wriggled out of them, still pushing me down into the bed. He dragged my boxers down to my knees and grabbed my butt with both of his hands. I kicked off my underwear and grabbed Brendon, pulling him in closer to me. Our naked skin against each other sent electricity through us both, straight down to our crotches. We couldn’t resist each other any longer, the passion and desire was raging through both of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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