Red Eyes, Grey Hearts

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        Denki Kaminari knew all about soulmates and their marks. He knew that they came in all different types of marks and types of people.

Nobody knew how soulmates came to be, but there were theories. They arrived around the same time as quirks so some people thought a quirk caused it, others figured that maybe it was the cause of fate. Most were happy to just leave it as a mystery.

Denki was one who liked the mystery. He loved to think about theories, but figured that there was a reason for everything and sometimes you don't understand the reason. He liked believe that everything happens for a reason and that if the reason was found out then it would be found out. For now? All Denki needed to know was that someone loved him and was perfect for him.

Denki was born with his soul mark. It wasn't common for most people to be born with their marks, majority of people got theirs when they were 6. But Denki's mark was colour. He wasn't able to see the colour of his soulmates eyes. The colour that Denki couldn't see? Red.

Ever since he figured out what his soulmate mark was he was curious. Curious about what the colour looked like, curious about who his soulmate was, and curious about when he would meet them.

Denki's fascination only grew as he got older. He didn't know a lot about soulmates from his home life, he only knew what was taught in school. Soulmates were a touchy subject for his parents. His mom never got a soulmate and his dad's soulmate died. So Denki knew that soulmates were a forbidden subject at his house.

Whenever he got the chance though? Denki would talk soulmates with his classmates. Even though they made fun of him everyone enjoyed talking about their soulmates. People would show off their amazing marks, Denki used to see some of the most beautiful tattooed marks.

So Denki could safely say that he loved the idea of soulmates! All he wanted to do was meet his. He wanted to meet people who would love him back unconditionally.

If only he knew the future. Then, maybe, Denki wouldn't've been so heartbroken.


    Denki was applying to UA High School. He wanted to be a hero. Everyone said that he was too stupid and wouldn't be able to do it but he still wanted to try. Even when he couldn't succeed he would try.

That was the day that things started to change. Denki had ran into a people on the different testing grounds. But he hadn't expected to wake up the next day and see a faint tone in the grey of his Pikachu hoodie. Denki shrugged it off, figuring it was nothing.

It wasn't nothing. Denki soon realized that this important. The strange shade that tinted the grey was a colour. It was red.

That meant that Denki had met his soulmate! He guessed that it had been someone he ran into while at UA's entrance exam. This made him even more excited and nervous about his performance at the exam. All he could do was hope that he made it in.


    Denki had gotten into Class 1a of UA High! It had surprised him and his parents. But it didn't stop him from being excited! This was his dream come true! Plus he would have to opportunity to meet his soulmate if they got in!

But? What if they didn't like him? What if whoever they were thought Denki was stupid and useless too? So many insecurities flashed through Denki's head.

Denki shook his head. No time to be like that! He just had to believe in himself!


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