The Last Night

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Adriana Jai Laterza.

This was my last night in London, tomorrow is the day I move to Cali. Beautiful USA. There isn't a sad sob story where my mother has died and I have to move abroad to live with my abusive father who drinks an awful lot. I've just always said since I was 15 years old I wanted to move to the glorious United States Of America. I don't know just something about London didn't feel homely to me. Where I live Camden, just seemed so little and had limited opportunities for me to explore. Yeah I have a loving family, an amazing bestfriend, but it just doesn't seem enough for me. My mum always said that London was way too small for a person like me who has a huge personality, word to my mama.

Speaking of my mum, Mrs Diana Cross Laterza. She is the most loving and caring person I have ever met, and I am not just saying this because she is my mother and I have been under her wrath for all 19 years of my life. My mother is full Caribbean, Trinidad to be exact. Oh gawdddddddd. You can just imagine her personality right?WILD.

My Family consists of my Father Mr Benito Laterza, my father is Italian, My Older Brother Benito Jr but we call him Benny.

As a young child I would always remember my father being away a lot, mostly back home in Italy, whenever I would ask my mum what he was doing she would always say ' taking care of us baby', as a child I didn't exactly know what that meant, as I grew older I guess I kinda figured out what he did, well you would after you've seen your front door being kicked in by a group of armed police, noticed weird black vans parked outside your house, the frequent change of phone numbers and house phones. I never questioned my Father though, once you grow up in such an environment you get pretty used to it and it seems like the norm. Even though we had money my papà would never ever allow ourselves to call us rich or think we are better than anyone. My dad keeps a framed picture of his parent's house back in Italy which was literally a shack. He keeps it up there to remind himself that he is not better than anyone and he knows where he has came from.

Me and Benny didn't go to a private school and were chauffeured around everywhere. We went to normal public schools, caught the school bus just like any other child. Don't get me wrong though we never went without, our father just didn't want us to think that everything comes easy and we have everything on a platter because we have money. That is why he made sure we both had job's at his numerous establishments, Benny would mostly work at the garages and car rooms. Where as I loved to work alongside my mother at her salons and boutiques. My father didn't believe in his wife having to work a 6 hour job to provide for the family, she had to literally beg him to allow her to work in her stores because she was so bored of being a stay at home mum.


I was in my bedroom on face time to my best friend, Jade. I was putting my hair into Bantu knots so it wouldn't be a disgusting mess when i woke up tomorrow.

" Girl I cannot believe your going tomorrow man what the hell" she said giving me a playful dirty look.

"you're going on like I didn't offer you the chance to move with me, but nooooo you wanna stay your hood ass in Camden" I said adding coconut oil to my finger tips.

" I'm just happy we spent the whole day together, because with those expensive ass plane tickets my ass wont be seeing you for a long while"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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