New beginnings

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I woke up to a loud explosion outside.  i put my shoes on a sense I slept in my clothes last night from exploring the forest. I opened my bedroom door and ran downstairs. as I got downstairs I heard screams and shouts and more explosions I knew what was going on a dragon rade. I just couldn't tell who was winning cuz usually we never screamed and the scream didn't sound like a Viking Warrior scream this sounded like a losing and death scream. As I open the door to the outside world and saw the whole village was on fire. I looked around taking in everything that I was seeing. as I was looking around I saw my father yelled at me to get to the docks and get on a boat and leave.  I did as he said. I ran to the docks as fast as I could. when I got on i quickly unraveled the ropes that were keeping the boat from drifting away.  after I did that I heard somebody else jump on. I wasn't paying attention to who it was and I didn't care who it was all I cared about was getting off at Island as long as it meant surviving.  after the boat started drifting away I heard my father yell go. so me and strange man put down the sails and started going towards the nearest Island berk. as we started sailing  away from our Island I noticed that no other Boats were sailing with us or we were the only survivors and it appeared to be that way 1 hour later out in the distance behind us we didn't see any other boats it was only me and him the strange man. The most annoying thing about this dude was that he kept talking about a plan of taking over Berk the plan my father was going to do today but sense the dragon attack none of that happened.  It was so annoying when he won't  stop talking about it and he gave it his own little twist sense there wasn't that many people. step one gain there Trust.  Step 2 kill them in the night.  step 3 win. The plan was obviously stupid what would we do after we win keep the Island to ourselves or sail off to another Island and do the same thing again.  The plan was just stupid is what it was. But as he was speaking I saw berk off in the distance I hatched a little idea of my own because I wanted a new beginning a new life no being bullied no being picked on no being bossed around no nothing just a new start. but how would I do that with him around.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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