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Before we go into any main details, let's know more about motivation.

What Is Motivation?

Motivation is your desire to do something with your personal life, at work, in school, in sports, or in any hobbies. Having the motivation to do something can help you achieve your big goals and dreams, whatever they may be.

Knowing how to motivate yourself can help you accomplish anything you set your mind to, so let’s get to that next.

*How to Motivate Yourself: 3 Simple Tricks

1. Create a Positive Environment:

Music can be as powerful a motivator as motivational quotes.I don't know about you, but for me, Music is the best way to get motivated. Each morning when you wake up, play a few pump up songs before you start your day to get you going. You can listen to playlists with motivational songs on Spotify to help you get going. By getting your mind in the right mindset, you can inch closer to motivating yourself.

When I want to get in the zone, I listen to “Time” by Hans Zimmer, which has no lyrics but has an intensity which helps me focus. If I’m feeling like I’m in a rut, motivational songs like “You’re a Superstar” by Love Inc. picks me up. Also, Songs from Eminem. Don't worry, I compiled a lot of quotes from him. You'll be seeing it later in this book. The truth is... I love Eminem❤. When it comes to rap, motivational talk, you know just name it.

Here are a few of his motivational songs I know..

📍Lose yourself
📍I'm not afraid
📍Till I collapse
📍Guts over fear (ft. Sia)
If you know any aside these, let me know😊

2. Celebrate Your Small Wins:

When you think of your BIG goal, sometimes you start feeling overwhelmed. Why? Because big goals don’t get achieved right away. Instead, you need to create mini goals to help excite you along the way. This way you can be more goal-orientated and build a habit of being more effective. Celebrating your small wins will help you stay motivated through your journey. Plus, celebrating is always super fun. Maybe you break your goal down to 10 small-sized goals with tasks that get you on track to achieve them. For each of the 10 goals you can add a small celebration. Maybe something little as a glass of juice for one or a dessert with a sparkler on top for another. For me, would be a nice cold can of soda and Cookies😂

3. Surround Yourself With Motivated People:

This goes back to the positive environment point: You need to be around with others who are just ambitious as you. American entrepreneur John Rohn once said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with it.” And whether or not that’s true is debatable, the reality is being around the right kind of people can only help you grow.

If you’re surrounded by those who love your ambition, you’ll be more ambitious and achieve more. If you’re surrounded by loved ones who tell you your goals are stupid and tell you to change them, you need to avoid them. No matter who they are. You know, sometimes our parents or even siblings mock us by the way we look or the way we act, or simply the way we talk and we just feel worthless, a sudden feeling of self hate, always feel the need to isolate yourself,  always depressed to the extent you feel like committing suicide  (Trust me, I've been down that road😔)  and that shit hurts. But hey, don't let that get to you. Ever!

Be around those who help you feel comfortable,Those who tell you 'you're beautiful' even if you don't believe it, Those who appreciate your presence, those who appreciate your actions.

Don't force yourself to be with people who only feel like they need to be around you for a reason, for their own personal gain. Just because they're popular and you're not and you feel the need to belong?  Life is a circle dear, and if you're moving out with those type of people, I'm afraid you ain't got a circle but a cage!

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Random quotes 💭Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora