Forgive Myself; A Love Memoir

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I believe the most important thing to do when healing from a dark place is to forgive yourself. Be kind in the process though... during that time, you didn't know... better... angrily, I swear myself for submerging myself in such a place that did not reflect the love I should have had for myself! Had to pull myself out of that shadow of accepting bullshit time and time and time again... raise my awareness to realize that I am love.. had to be patient with myself.. I too, am new to this thing called life for each day brings forth a new lesson... telling myself that it's okay that I fell down in the dumps so deep because like my Father always says.."if you fall on your back baby, as long as you can look up you can get up!" Pressing forward towards a healing pathway to release myself of the cycles that would keep me held back, caught up, stuck in bullshxt where some muh'fuckas wanted to keep me, I began to choose ME! My reflection began to be enlightened of its power, reached out to console me saying "even if this journey is painful, this is where you need to be"... so, I forgive myself for accepting things and people that weren't a reflection of how much I loved.. ME!

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