01 butterflies

28 2 4

Riley- No don't leave me daddy what did I do

Riley whined in her sleep

Maya- Honey

Maya shook Riley

Maya- Honey wake up

Riley- Huh

Riley said jumping up from her slumber

This was the third time this week Riley had a bad dream about the day her dad died she'd never miss him as much as she does right now He had recently passed right before her 22nd birthday

Maya- You were having another bad dream

Maya said holding Riley in her arms

Riley- Oh sorry

Riley chuckled

Maya- Don't worry about it I don't mind cuddling you You smell like strawberries

Maya laughed

Riley- I do not

Riley argued

Maya- Calm down honey it's a compliment

Maya smiled

Riley- Oh right

Riley laughed

Maya- Well since its 6am and we're already up wanna get some breakfast from the cafe

Riley- No I'm gonna try to go back to sleep

Riley said as she yawned

Maya- OK

Maya hopped up

Maya- Suit yourself

Maya went down to the campus cafe as Riley laid back down She tossed and turned but just couldn't stop thinking about her dad she decided to just put on some slippers and go meet Riley downstairs

Lucas- Maya

An annoyingly drunk voice yelled in the hallway

Riley- Not again

Riley rolled her eyes

This was the fifth week in a row Lucas had been trying to get Maya back she broke up with him because they no longer had shared interests and Lucas didn't think that was a good enough reason Being just friends wasn't enough for him So he constantly drunk until the pain was bearable Luckily for him It was always Riley that answered the door

Riley- What do you want Lucas

Riley said peeking out into the hallway

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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