{2} Cherry blossom

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Finally after so long!
Part 2 is out!
Let's begin!

When Teruhashi came in the room she was infuriated! A dark aura surrounded her.
The day felt like any other day for Saiki, these random people who call themselves his 'friends' and annoy him to death. It was the same but different, each of there faces had light blush on them and their minds were full of nsfw stuff with Saiki. Except for Teruhashi, who was muttering plans to murder Saiki or ruin his reputation. Then Saiko walked in the room...

Saiko's P.O.V.

'I walked to the classroom annoyed because I was thinking about pink-haired, four eyed, pleb-!'
'W-who's that... Wait a second... It's the guy that Teruhashi fell for! Who new he look so cute... Wait! Why do I like him now!? But look at his beautiful magenta/purple eyes and his pink hair with his porcelain skin that complements them...' As I was thinking about him a very red blush creeps upon my face. Once I snapped back to reality, I realized I was in the door way and there were a lot of people yelling at me to move. Embarrassed, I quickly walked to my seat, once I sat down I immediately thought about Saiki.

Saiki's P.O.V.
'Good grief another blushing idiot... I'm starting to have respect for Teruhashi having to deal with this every day...'

Later that day...

It was Saiki's turn to clean, many people wanted to help him but he refused. Once everyone in the school left except for the kids who have after school activities, Saiki put on his germanium ring and got to work. Outside of the school, was Makoto {Teruhashi's brother} and was waiting for her to the point where he went inside and was surprisingly not caught by the teachers.

Once he was inside he went to Teruhashi's class where Saiki was done cleaning and was sitting by the window sill. Makoto peaked inside the classroom and saw Saiki.

Makoto's P.O.V.
I peaked inside the classroom and saw someone that was even more beautiful than Teruhashi, which I never thought that was possible. I saw a guy with pink hair, porcelain skin, magenta/purple eyes gazing at the cherry blossoms with the sun slightly setting...

Here's a picture similar to what he's seeing...

Makoto's P

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Makoto's P.O.V.
I recognized him... It was pink-hair, four eyes! I ran out of the school my face clearly red.

And this is where part 2 ends...
I'm gonna be working on some other books at this time so I'll barely will update the ones I already made.
I hope you have a great day/night/morning/noon?

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