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My first  day at school  was just sad and may be  scary  I am Kim Lopez   and this is my story going  to school with my   to best friends  Ella Ben and sam but  she  was to funny  so we got  to school  but the bell did  ring yet so I went  to my class put my bag infort of the class room door.  So I went  with  my three friends  Ella Ben  And sam
So we were all talking  when  lisa ,Misa and Nisa  pushed  me and  I fell down   and hit my back on my school locker  and they went and started  to laugh  at my friends  wanted to hit them  but I told  them to not because  I did  want to get into trouble so we went and my clothes where  so dirty  and I was hit so badly  and my back was saw  sore so when we went we heard  Lisa Mis and Nisa  talking  about a  kissing list   so I wanted  to know  what  kissing list are they talking about so I went to  lisa and lisa  slapped me.
U want to know  why so I will  just  tell you because she hurt me after  she did  that she  looked at me and went away and she started to laugh at me but I did  not like it very much and I Iwent away from her

CELEBRITY K💋SSEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant