Chapter 1: platform 9 3/4

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As I was packing my trunk for school, I heard my mom calling for me. "Rosie! Come here for a second please!" I yelled an ok back and made my way down the stairs. "Yes mom?" "Do you have your trunk packed yet?" She asked. "Almost done packing it." I was going to school today. Oh I'm sorry. Let me introduce myself. My name is Rosemary Madeline Weasley, and I am a witch. Yeah, I know right! Anyways, I am going into my 3rd year at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I went back upstairs to my room and finished packing just in time. "Rosie! It's time to go!" I followed Fred and George down the stairs and we all left.


We finally arrived at the platform. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Harry. "Harry" I yelled, while running to hug him. "Rosie" he yelled back. I know what you are thinking. 'You are friends with THE HARRY POTTER!' Well yes I am. But I don't see him as just some celebrity, he is my best friend, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I might also have a HUGE crush on him. I really hope he likes me back. I plan on telling him this year, but I don't know how he will react. Harry pulled me from my thoughts by pulling away from the hug. "Hey Harry" Ron said. Ron looked over at me and started making kissy faces. He was the only one who knew about my crush on Harry. I was lost in my thoughts when Ron pulled me towards the platform. "You're staring" he whispered to me. "W-what? No I'm not" I stuttered. CRAP! Harry must think I'm weird now. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. "You're blushing" Ron said. I quickly tried to hide my face before Harry saw. Before I knew it, we were going through the platform between 9 and 10. I got through and saw the familiar Hogwarts train. I felt some walk behind me and turned to see Harry. "It's gonna be a great year Rosie. I just know it". "Me too, Harry." I walked on the train and tried to find a compartment. I finally found one and me and my friends sat down. We talked for a fee minutes before Hermione came in. "Hey guys. I missed you!" She said. "We missed you too" we all said. She sat next to Ron, and I saw him blush. I guess Harry saw it too, because he was trying to hide his laughter. I was red faced from laughing so hard, and making kissy faces at my brother. Ron was glaring at the both of us. Pretty soon we were almost at school. I went to change into my school robes. On the way, I ran into the worst person in the world. Draco Malfoy. "What do we have here." "What do you want Malfoy!" I yelled. "Oh come in now. Don't be like that." "Leave me alone!" He rolled his eyes and came closer to me. Now, now, Weasley. Don't want to make me mad. Now do you?" "Get off of her" I heard a voice yell. I turned my head to see Harry and Ron. "Shut up, Potter. She asked for it." "If I remember correctly, she told you to leave her alone" Ron said. "I said get off her!" All of a sudden,Draco's weight was pulled off of me. I looked to see Harry on top of him. "Don't you ever touch her again" he yelled. "My father will hear about this" Draco said while walking away. I ran and hugged Harry and Ron. I thanked them before going to change into my robes. I looked in the mirror of the girls bathroom. I thought about my life and about my real parents. I then thought about mom and dad. I thought about my brothers and Ginny. As I was walking back, I heard the train stop, and I knew we were at Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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