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Dear Seungcheol,

Do you remember our first date? It was sweet even if it's not literally a date.

It's a same busy day for me. Lots of paper and something to type on the computer.

Oh! And some research too!

I was completely exhausted.

And I decided to visit the new coffee shop in the town.

And I met.... You.

I still remember the your sweet smile, delicate gaze and cute laughter.

You are beautiful.

I loved the way you asked everyone how's their day.

And the way you would zoned out.

You are precious.

And wow, I would not expect you would have an eye for me too.

I still remember the way you smiled sweetly before asking me if you could sit down with me.

And I would not forgive myself for blushing and stuttering furiously.

And it become a date. Kinda?

And we go out for ice cream. 

Your face with ice cream smudges.

And how flustered you are when I point it out.

And then you help me with the papers.




Then, we exchange numbers and said our farewell.

I was over the moon when you asked me if we can hang out.

And we obviously become closer.

You are sweet with me,


And I really thought us will work.


I still remember, the last day of my last semester before my new year.

I was free.

You are too.

And we decided to meet up.

That time, I was going to confess.

I brought flowers. A bouquet of them.

I make a script,

"Seungcheol, you know, we have been friend for months. 6 months 16 days to be exact."

"And you know, after all the dates, and meet ups, after all the cheesy pick-up line, after all the sweet laughters we've shared, I fell in love."

I practiced over and over again,

And I make sure my voice is sweeter than honey.

And my gaze more delicate than ever.

And I practiced smiling as cute as I can.

And then you came.



I was shocked- no, dumbfounded.

Who is she?

And the way you two smiles like a maniac at each other make me completely creeped out.

And then you introduced her to me.


She's the one that steals your heart.


And I thought,

It's me....

And I learned that you and her are fiancés.

For 3 years.

Three god damn years.

And I was dragged to an amusement park with you two.

When she's gone, we talked.


You were going to propose her.

You have the rings.

And after seeing how you talked, smiles and laughs with her,

I realised,

You are destined with her.

The way you smile to her,

Not the way you smile to me.

The way you laughed with her,

Not the way you laughed with me.

The way you talked so sweetly to her,

Not the way you talk with me.

And I know she can take care of you.

I've always know.

I have human-fetish you know.

Haih, what a shame.

I have to let you go.

I loved you.

I still do.

But, I will move on.

Goodbye, love.

Sincerely, Qisrina

[COMPLETE] Letters (SVT) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ