Chapter 1 ~

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Word count: 1028

As Y/N walked through the streets, she could hear her heels clicking on the stone ground. First day, another new start, but hopefully a good one! She was surprised the number 1 hero took her on. To be frank, she had no quirk. She had an amazing fighting style and ability, but she didn't have any quirk to help her. She had to use more weapons than the average hero, but she didn't mind. She watched through the gates of the agency and opened the door. The building was full of heros moving quickly getting things done. She was told by Endeavor to come into his office on the first day, so that's what she did.

"Good morning Y/N," his voice sounded happy, and his face threatening. "Are you ready to meet your partner?"

"I'm getting a par-" she was cut off by the door behind her swinging open.

"You wanted to see me?" she looked up to see pro-hero Ground Zero. Shit, please don't be my partner! Ground Zero was known as an aggressive hero, to say the least. She had heard about him at UA and bumped into him in middle school. He was known there as the "hot-head", best known for being an asshole and getting into trouble. Honesty, Y/N was happy she was a year after him, so she never had to see him.

"Yes Bakugo, meet your new partner." Shit shit shit shit! I'm dead! He's gonna kill me!

"I told you before, I don't do partners," Bakugo protested. Y/N looked up to see him glaring down at her. She had faced powerful foes before, but Bakugo had a glare that left her shaking in her boots. He looked more like a villain rather than a hero.

"Well, she's new. It's her first day so show her the ropes. And before you say it, she's not a sidekick. Sidekicks don't have sidekicks, so treat her as an equal." Y/N was slightly touched by Endeavor's words, but Bakugo was almost fuming. "You two are going on a simple patrol today, just so Y/N gets a feel of what goes on around here. Dismissed." Y/N turned and followed Bakugo out the door. They didn't say a word. As they were walking down the halls, Y/N could hear the whispers. The first day and it's already back to school. She started to focus on the whispers to hear what they were saying.

"I heard she was Eraser Head's daughter." I looked nothing like him.

"I heard that she was dating Shoto." I never spoke to the guy.

"I heard she was sleeping with Hawks." That's a new one, but I don't even know the bird brain, and he's way too old. Where ever Y/N went, people would guess how she got so far. She was numb to the rumors at this point. They usually got people to stay away from her, so she didn't mind. It was only when they were right that she grew nervous about what would happen.

"I heard she was quirkless." Shit.

Y/N wasn't the only one listening to the whispers. Bakugo didn't care about most of them, knowing from others that they weren't true. When he heard the last one, however, he could feel his blood boil. She can't be quirkless! There's no way she could be a pro and be quirkless. Once the pair walked out of the agency, Y/N looked up at her partner.

"I know your hero name is Ground Zero, but your Bakugo Katsuki, right? You graduated UA the year before me, and we even went to the same middle school." Y/N chuckled, waiting for a response.

"Is it true?" Bakugo looked down at her. He was angry and she didn't know why.

"No, I'm not any pro's kid. Nor am I sleeping with or dating a hero. I got here on my own."

"What's your quirk then? If we're partners I should know."

Crap! I was known at UA that Bakugo was mean and cold, but Y/N also knew form middle school, how he bullied the quirkless. Y/N swallowed nervously, "I'm quirkless. Crazy right? I just ask that you don't baby me. I may not have a quirk but I'm a good fighter. I wasn't lying when I said I made it hear on my-"

"It doesn't matter that you're here. I don't care how you got here. Just stay out of my way freak." Y/N was expecting that. That was a common reaction from her peers. I bet he doesn't even remember that day.

Flashback to Middle School~

Walking down the halls was a danger zone. No matter where I went, I was scared. I wasn't the only quirkless in the school however, a boy a year ahead of me was too. His name was Izuku Midoriya. I had never talked to him, but I knew about him. I saw how the students treated him and how determined he was to be a hero. It pushed me to be a hero too. Honestly, I was glad we were in different years. I had heard about his bully, and he was no joke. At least mine wasn't as strong as Bakugo.

"Hey, freak!" Great, Meinu (a/n: bitch in Japanese). It was 8 in the morning, how did she have time to bully me? I started speeding down the hall staring at the floor. I had to get away from her. While I was walking, I felt myself run into something. I looked up to see crimson eyes piercing through my soul.

"Watch were you're going extra." I turned to walk away, but Meinu caught up.

"Oi, quirkless!" She shoved me into the locker, "Where are you running off to?" I looked up to see the blonde boy glaring down at us. I was ready to be killed. At least with his quirk, it would be over fast.

"So we have two freaks at this school? Must be my lucky day." he leaned down to whisper in my ear so only I could hear, "Meet at the park at 7 today, I have a lesson to teach you." As he walked away, I almost died. I was going to die, he was going to kill me.

a/n: I hope someone likes this. Honeslty I have be motivation, but this has been in my head so I figured I'd just write it down.

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