Chapter 1: Wake Up, Alex...

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*Alex's POV(of course)*

I have awoken from my bed and looked out my window at midnight to see a nighttime city in the background of the suburbian park I lived right outside Alex Arrow...I am a 22 year old who lives in the town of Alphaton...I have a roomate named Wallace Wells with me a-

"Oh, hey gaywad, what are you doing up?" I heard his voice come from his bed and he sounded tired and a bit raspy.

I had to reply back to him, unfortunately, so I then said, "Wallace, I told you not to call me gaywad anymore, it's not cool..."

"Ohh yes it is..." Wallace said. He laughed a bit also. It bugged me how he called me a gaywad...

I sighed and went down to get a midnight snack as I saw him start to text his boyfriend when I was walking out. I walked into the bathroom and took a really quick shower and when I got out, I saw fog on the mirror. I got the urge to draw on it so I wiped the fog off of where my face would be on the mirror and then I drew the word 'perfect' above the circle and smiled at myself.

Finally, I walked down into the kitchen and grabbed a pepperoni pizza Rev-Wrap out of the fridge and I ate it...tomorrow is when I start my small-time job, just to get some cash to pay rent and stuff and maybe even save up for some new furniture and get groceries once in a while. I just hope I get some good pay...

Well I guess it's time I got back to bed, so I walked back in and flopped onto my bed and feel asleep as Wallace was still texting his boyfriend.

I just hope tomorrow is good to me...

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