Part 1

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1. Run down the street with your friends and yell "RUN FOR YOUR LIIIIIVVESSS!!" See who joins in and who gives you weird looks!!(I tried this. No one joined we just got weird looks!! XD)

2. Dress up in weird clothes and go to a public place. Run around screaming random things. Then walk out like nothing happened.

3. Spin in a circle until you get so dizzy you fall on the ground. Then smile like the maniac you are. Then get up and walk out like nothing happened.

4. Cosplay as characters from a book, show or movie with your friends. Go to a public place and walk around. Act like the characters and that it's a normal day for them.

5. Walk around in circles in an elevator and when you bump into someone and either change direction or say "excuse me!" In a sassy tone.

6. Go to the mall with your bf/gf with shirts that say "if lost return to (your bf/gf or your name)" and "I'm (your bf/gf or your name)" and have the one that has the shirt that says "if lost" speed walk around frantically asking for help. (1 of my best friends and I made shirts like this and are going to do it. His idea don't give me credit.)

7. Cosplay as characters from an anime you and your friend both watch. Go to a public place and run around blasting the theme song.

8. Get a shirt that says "life" and go around handing out lemons.

9. Make up a theme song for you and your best friend and go to a park. Skip down the side walk while singing it.

10. Cosplay as a character from a book, show or movie and go around in a store. Act and talk like that character. Buy things that the character would need/want.

Hello friends!! Whoever read this whole thing without falling asleep i praise you. I hope you all enjoyed!! Goodbye my friends!!!! ~Zonk

Random Things To Do When Youre Boredजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें