Part 1 (Disaster)

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At morning.

I need to woke up early today.I'm going to school at UA,I'm so excited and suddenly my sis call me to eat breakfast and go to school with her.

While we walking, One guy bump to me to me without saying nothing.I know this guy.It's Bakugou.My sis shout my name and start running towards me."This is your friend roind face?"I feel so mad when he tease my sis like that."No,she is my sis"my sis said.Bakugou surprised and he lean his body at me and started to whisper,"Your face is normal..."I was so annoyed.He began to whisper again"What's your name dumb face?"I was like so annoyed.I teleport to my sis and we start watch at Bakugou."I think he gonna explode..."that is only thing that play in my mind.I quickly grab my sis hand I teleported us to the UA.

At school

I need to go to the principal office to take my dorm keys and my class."I'm sorry,there is doesn't more girl dorm,its full."He says.I was really shocked and I became hopeless..."Y/n, as we know Mineta and Bakugou is the only room who doesn't has roommate "
Suddenly I remembered what my sis say about boys and avoid mostly Mineta... "Ok then,I be roommate with Bakugou."I really hope that i make the right choice...

~Time skip~
After school.

I'm at the dorm that I will be staying.I open the door with the key that I has but what I see next is unexpected.I see Bakugou without shirt and I start to scream and close my eyes,The boys from the other room came out too see what happened outside.It start to chaos... I know them all. There is Todoroki,Tokoyami,Deku,Kirishima and Denki.Denki is making a dumb face now...I remembered the joke about Denki. Bakugou came and grab my hand and my bags too.He told me to wait him at living room.I can hear he say "FUCK OFF NOTHING TO SEE HERE BITCH!!!!"He totally mad...He close the door and asked my name
"Y/n...My name is Ochako Y/n"He asked me why I were at his dorm.I tell everything that he need to know."Lucky,Mineta is a Pervent"I feel so lucky.I want to thank him but before that happen"But I'm a bully here Dumb face"I'm so hopeless now,Imagined how I will survive.House chore,Wash his clothes and the worst...THIS HOUSE IS TOTALLY A MESS!!!!!

                ~TO BE CONTINUED ~

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