Chapter One

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Thursday, March 27, Lunch

Remember how once upon a time lunch was like the best thing in school?

I know that one of the characteristics of our memory is that it makes things look way better than they actually were when they happened. Therefore, our memories are not really the copies of reality but basically our representations and they include our judgments, thoughts and feelings on the subject. Meaning, none of the things that we remember has happened exactly the way we things they have.

But I still think I am not idolizing lunches in my previous years of high school. I mean, they did not actually include constant talking about colleges, Senor Projects and bickering. These days, there is nothing I wish nothing more than a relaxing lunch talk about the latest Arrow episode or how sad we are that Psych has ended.

Ok, I'd still prefer to have my boyfriend home from Japan but since I am trying not to be a cry baby, I'll focus on things I actually have some control over.

Maybe we are simply growing up and we are realizing that there are more important stuff to talk about than Stephen Amell's abs.

Though sitting with Tina, Lana and Lilly during lunches makes me doubt that we are any more mature than we were 3 years ago.

"I still don't understand why you want to buy those books? They are so expensive, plus, I mean, you can totally get them online or in the libraries!" said Lana when Tina told us she had ordered the complete collection of Brontë books from England.

Lilly, who doesn't like Lana any more than she did when we were Freshmen, of course snapped back.

"I do not expect a Barbie-Wannabe like yourself to understand."

"Whatever," Lana, who feels the same about Lilly, rolled her eyes. "I am just saying, Tina, you could spend money on more important stuff, like new Betsey Johnson bags or something."

"You are impossible to prove a point to," said Lilly, "not everything is about clothing, you know. If people truly lived for sleeping, partying, clothing and reproducing, we would all already die of obesity side effects of cosmetic surgeries before our bodies would even be able to reproduce. It would mean the end of human race. This is why we need stuff like art in our lives. It offers us a different perspective and enriches our existence."

Lana just stared at Lilly with her mouth full of low fat yoghurt.

"I just can't understand why she can't get books from the library, like normal people," she shrugged.

"Well, mainly because I hate waking up at 3 am, wanting to read a book I don't have at home," sighed Tina.

Lana just stared at her with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

"Why would anyone want..."

"Anything but sleeping, partying, clothing and reproducing, at 3 am? Well, Lana, that's the difference between people like you and Tina," finished Lilly.

"Yeah, I hate to interrupt this very important book discussing," said Trisha, "but have you heard about Jersey Shore?"

"Why would you even want to know what was happening there?" Lilly rolled her eyes. "Haven't you realized yet that MTV shows, such as your Shore 1.0 are completely scripted and fake? You don't seriously think people behave like that, do you? Oh, please, Trisha, you might be naïve enough to believe Coke Zero has less sugar that the regular one but are you really saying that you think MTV shows are an actual and truthful reflection of today's life? It is only being produced so that individuals such as yourself could start behaving stupidly, ignoring their common sense and that precious little intelligence they were born with just so that they could be 'cool' in the eyes of other imbeciles that enjoy the same rubbish on TV. This way the society becomes one big 'in' crowd, nothing but consumers of the crap TV and your Snooki advertises every time she puts some mascara on that fake eyelashes. Moreover, since such a large percentage of population's main concern is whether their butt looks big in the new jeans, they are complete incapable of focusing on real problems. Which is why the government can do whatever they want and nobody does anything to stop it. If it is not mention on MTV, the problem basically doesn't exist for people like you, Trisha. So thank you so much for co-creating this stupid world aspiring people like myself are forced to live in now."

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