Short Story

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It was a pleasant evening that day. I received a call from my best friend, stating that he was on the way, coming to pick me up. He also mentioned a dreamcatcher. When he reached my place, we decided to sit somewhere and talk. But before it could happen, he put out a beautiful dreamcatcher from his bag and handed it over to me. 

It was a multicoloured dreamcatcher of about 9–12 inches. I adored it for a few minutes and then put it back in my bag. That gift indeed made my day.

His happy eyes, on the other hand, were also one of the reasons for me to be happy. As soon as we decided to walk down the lane. I charged my batteries and started blabbering. Everything and anything used to be my topic. He seemed to enjoy it too. 

But then suddenly, something happened. A thing or two from the past became the reason to start a conversation, that led to discussions, and then an argument. It was uncontrollable. We were not angry, we were not fighting, and yet the argument turned hot and spicy.

I decided to go back to my hostel. And he didn't deny dropping me back. As soon as I reached my place, I thanked him and secretly put another chocolate in his bag. A farewell chocolate. The fight reached another extent where I decided to depart instead. He, on the other hand, seemed to speak nothing. He accepted all that I demanded. And I got frustrated.

So I returned that dreamcatcher to him. And in a rush then, I ran to my hostel, slammed the main door, and went to the terrace. This new city was too strange to provide me with something of my own, though it did gift me one good friend, but we recently had a fight.

So all that I had were my plants. I hugged them, one by one, under the sky and cried for hours, thinking how in just one moment, this city turned its back on me. Not an exaggeration, but it was a genuine feeling. 

Ever experienced a moment where you want to love and hate yourself altogether?  Devastating it was!

After a couple of hours, I came back to my room, showing all the possible positivity and charm on face to my roomies. But only I knew how I slept with eyes full of tears that night.

A little later, a text popped up in my screen. It was his text, which was not in concern of me but my writings. I couldn't stop myself, realising that I replied back within seconds. But I was still sad and angry.

Next morning, while I eagerly waited for his one single text. I certainly pushed myself to attend my classes. And the negative vibe that continuously tried to attack finally lead me to a nearby peshwai temple. A beautifully aesthetic temple with old, polished and crafted ceiling, beautiful pillars, and a beautiful circular rangoli at the entrance of mukhya dwar. This circular rangoli was colorful just like my dreamcatcher was. My dreamcatcher which was with him. But above all of these, it was him whom I was missing. And the dreamcatcher was one of the excuse.

I picked all the pieces of my broken hopes, selfishness, and ego and thought to go back.  All these just to  hold my heart and cry for hours in the room. And then I noticed another text popped up in my phone. "Why this chocolate?" It said. 

He noticed my farewell chocolate that I have put in his bag. It wasn't the chocolate, it was an excuse. I was dumb enough to think of a farewell so soon. Thats not how it works right?

The fight couldn't be stretched anymore and I could not stopped myself from saying a yes for meeting, when he asked. What actually happened afterwords is that our bond conquered! I was happy to know that this city means something to me but the reason for it is something else.  I realised the strength we have, when together. I realised how weak we are, when apart.

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