Be my snow angel

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"Come on, Cas." Dean says for the thirteen time pounding on the bathroom door "I want to get out before someone else ruins the snow."

"But it's cold out there this water is warm." Castiel whined.

"If you aren't out in five minutes I am coming in after you." Deans voice was stern.

Dean went to wait in the kitchen packing food he knew Castiel would want later. Castiel stumbled into the room, his hair still wet and clothing only half done up. "Dean, humans built homes to escape the cold, I don't understand the joy in playing   in frozen ice drops."

Dean walked over and kissed the upset Castiel on the forehead. "You'll have fun trust me."

"Fine." Castiel grumbled as he went to go finish dressing.

Dean finished packing the impala, shoving everything in the back seat because of the guns in the trunk. "Cas are you ready?" Dean yelled.

Castiel came waddling from behind the counter, he looked like an overstuffed bag of cotton candy. Dean counted multiple layers including 2 pairs of gloves and 3 pairs of pants. Castiel made out the confused look on Deans face. "I wanted to stay warm, Dean."

Dean started laughing "lets go Mr. Marshmellow." Castiel climb into the car.

It took about 15 minutes and Castiel was sound asleep. Ever since he became human it was one of his favorite activities, along with eating, and frickle frackleing. Dean looked at Castiel, everything about him was perfect, every flaw and quirky thing made Dean fall even more in love.

"Cas. Wake up we are almost there." Dean said, poking Castiel on the nose.

Castiel still in a daze sat up straighter and with his hats askew on his head. Looking out the window, his eyes widened, so white and clean, trees delicately draped carefully glittering in the sun.

Dean looked over to see Castiel,  slightly bouncing, in his seat. "Are you excited?'

"No." Castiel said dully

Dean looked confused "then why are you bouncing?"

"I need to urinate" Castiel said, slightly annoyed.


Dean pulled off to the side of the road. "Do you need help?"

Castiel got out of the car "no I don't need help." His voice like a pouting child. After five minutes of  cursing and mumbling Castiel sighed with relief. A few more minutes passed and Castiel came waddling to Deans door. "I need assistance."

Unable to get his three pairs of pants up, he was embarrassed to ask for help. Dean smiled, "alright, but you owe me." Dean looked at Castiels exposed hip. Bruises of all different colors from previous nights make him grin. He leans in and bites the skin, followed by a gentle kiss, he does this three times, one for each pair of pants. "Let's call it even."

Castiel gets back in the car. Dean takes off down the frozen road. "I am confused. Why do I enjoy you biting me? Why do you enjoy biting me?"

Dean got red "it's just a kinky thing Cas, some people enjoy weird stuff, I will explain more later."

Dean pulled over and got out. "Come on Cas!"

Castiel looked around a white field, sparkling in front of him, that lead to a small hill. "Dean I want to build a snowman like Sam was talking about." Cas waddled to Dean who was smiling at him.

"Then lets build a snowman." Dean started instructing Castiel. Castiel finally got a ball started,  after rolling it around for a few minutes Dean stopped him. "We don't want it too big."

Castiel just nodded and began making the mid section. Dean smiled at Castiel, he was acting like a child and Dean was doing all he could to not laugh.

After the snowman was assembled Castiel smiled like a two year old. Dean had made a makeshift nose out of a wooden stake and eyes made out of shotgun shells.

"What's next?" Dean asked.

"Snow angles." Castiel said with confidence.

Dean laughed "I think you mean snow angels. Just lay in the snow and copy me." Dean and Castiel both lay down. Dean began flapping his arms softly and spreading and shutting his legs. Castiel mimicked the movement.  After a moment Dean stood up. Offering his hands to Cas, who's over layering made him the a turtle, "I will help you up."

Taking Castiels hand in his, be pulled Castiel up in one swift motion. "See, they look like angels, with the wings and dress thing." Dean said with a smile  he looked at Castiel and his smile quickly faded.

"Angels have much larger wings." Castiel said he looked like he was going to cry.

" I... I'm really sorry Cas. Let's go warm up in the car with hot chocolate." Dean grabbed the Castiel's hand.

Once they got in the car Dean opened a thermos, the smell of chocolate filled the car. "Here." Dean poured some into the lid and handed it to Castiel.

Castiel took the drink and let the steam warm his face. "So are you having fun?" Dean asked, trying to forget the snow angels.

Castiel took a sip and smiled. "I think so my nose is cold, but other than that, this is extremely enjoyable." Dean looked out the car window.

"I used to do this with Sammy, too bad he's on a hunt today." Dean watched as snow began to fall from the sky. "I wish we could do this more often."

Castiel recognized Deans self loathing and decide to take action. " Let's dance, outside in the snow."

Dean smiled and put away the hot chocolate. "Alright." Dean and Castiel  got out of the car and Castiel pulled him to the middle of the field.

Castiel wrapped his arms around Deans neck, and Dean wrapped his around Castiels waist. "Cas, I love you."

Castiel rested his head on Deans shoulder. "I love you too."

Dean began singing. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you -"

Dean was cut off by a loud beeping noise.

"Dean wake up." Sam was yelling at Dean.

"What, I... uhh." Dean sat up.

"If you want to see Castiels grave before we leave you need to get up."

"Oh yeah." Dean fell back to the mattress, tears filled his eyes "Please don't take my sunshine away."

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