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I was waiting at the bus stop near SF9's dorm waiting for my boyfriend gazing out of the open road as I sat down by myself,

a few minutes passed by making me sigh heavily out of boredom, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and I texted him,

Chanhee 😇❤️


where u at?
8.08 PM

which he didn't reply making me sigh heavily again, I started to think this maybe wasn't a good idea and I was mentally preparing myself to just go home,

but suddenly I felt a pair of hands coming from behind me covering my eyes gently,

I smiled to myself knowing exactly who it was, "hey" I looked up at him as I removed his hand from my eyes,

"hey" he replied looking at me with his dreamy smile, he gave me a peck on the lip making me smirk at him as he sat down right beside me,

I noticed how he had a basket on his right hand making me furrow my eyebrows, "what's with the basket?" I asked him as I gazed the brown basket he was holding,

"it's a surprise" he said switching his gaze from the basket to me all while smiling cheekily making me raise an eyebrow in suspicion,

"where are we going anyways?" I asked him again, "when we get there you'll know" he replied as he wrapped a hand around my shoulder pulling me closer to him,

we waited for a few moments before the bus finally arrived, he took my hand and led me inside the bus,

I gazed down at the basket again as we sat down near the window seat, I think I know where this is going I thought to myself as I laid my head on his shoulder taking him by surprise,

he smiled down at me before laying his head on top of mine as we both gaze out the window looking out at the tall buildings,

a few minutes passed by and we got down at a stop, he gripped my hand tightly along the way until I realised where we are,

"wait, are we at the Han river?" I asked him as he flashed me a smile nodding lightly, I smiled brightly as we walked down the river,

oddly there weren't many people here because usually this place is packed with people, maybe because it was a Tuesday night and it was almost 9 PM,

after a short walk a long the sidewalk, he decided to stop at a spot near a tree that was closer towards the river and further from the sidewalk, 

he placed the basket right next to the tree and pulled out a checkered thin blanket, 

"can you help me please?" he asked me and I immediately helped him spread out the blanket on top of the grass, 

we sat down on top of the blanket as we gazed up towards the night sky, 

there was a comfortable silence between us cause we were too busy admiring the night sky to even care about our surroundings,

"oh yeah, I almost forgot" he suddenly said as he got up from the blanket taking me by surprise as he reached for something inside the basket, 

I smiled brightly as he pulled out a few bags of chips and soda cans from the basket, "I knew you'd like it" he said as he gave me a bag of chips and a can of soda,

"honestly, who doesn't?" I said as I cracked open the can of soda and drank it down, from that point we started having conversations, 

it started off light like how our day was going, as time passed by we started talking about our childhood, 

I cracked up when he chocked on his soda because I told him about how I walked into my parents doing it and how innocently I asked them if I could join, 

I laughed when he told me about his embarrassing stories he had when he was going through puberty,

as the conversations started getting deeper, there were small gaps of comfortable silence between us making the conversations feel more meaningful as we glanced at the night sky, 

there was that gap of comfortable silence again but this time it was slightly longer before I realised that Chani was staring at me the whole time, 

"what?" I asked smiling subtly, he leaned closer towards my face with a small smile plastered on his face, 

it felt like I knew what he was going to do, so I closed my eyes expecting his lips to land on mine, 

and thankfully they did, I leaned my head kissing him deeper as I felt him cup my cheeks with his delicate hands, 

I threw my arms around his shoulders as I caressed his hair pulling him closer, I felt his hands move towards my waist pulling us even closer making me smirk against his lips, 

I pulled away to catch my breath leaning my forehead on his, I bit my lip as I giggled making him repeat my actions, 

we laid down there gazing up towards the night sky observing the stars above us, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders while I laid my head on his,

the comfortable silence surrounding us and the subtle noise of people talking in the background made everything felt more meaningful,

I looked up at Chani who was busy looking up the stars, I noticed how big his eyes are that I think the whole galaxy could fit inside those eyes, 

I smiled at him as he noticed me staring at him, for a few moments neither of us talked we just looked at each other lovingly as if it felt like we had all the time in the world, 

he tried to open his mouth to speak, but he hesitated and I immediately knew what he was trying to say, 

"you don't have to say it" I said to him making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion, I placed a hand on his cheek giving him a peck on the lip, 

"you don't have to say I love you just to show me that you do love me, because I know you love me even if you don't say it" I said to him making him smile widely, 

"you're so beautiful" he said to me making me blush as he gave me a kiss on my forehead before pulling me closer to a hug. 

Sadly that night had to end, as much as I wish I could just stay there with him all night, I had to go back home, 

but at least this time, I can go home feeling much more happier than any other day.

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