Help Me...

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I hate the idea of having to stay in this creepy town for the night. Granted, it's just a layover, but still I've heard there's been a few murders in the area as of late and the thought of staying here alone in this bleak, clinical morgue, I mean motel room scares the shit out of me. I scan my room for the night; the curtains are probably sixty years old judging by the frayed ends of the floral pattern; the carpet is stained beyond belief with cigarette burns, alcohol spillage, and it reeks of marijuana. We had a nice room earlier on but we had to change it due to an issue with the plumbing in the shower. The only redeeming quality so far is the minibar fridge with the assortment of alcoholic drinks and snacks. Shit, I notice there is a sign on one shelf that says there will be an extra charge for the minibar. Nothings ever free in this world, is it? I grab my bag from the armchair and start rummaging through it, hoping to find some change. A gentle tapping on the window makes me jump, I drop my bag with its contents spilling out all over the carpet, but that doesn't bother me, I'm intrigued as to who is outside my door. It's probably Jack or Zach playing a prank as they knew how freaked out I was by staying here. They ventured out earlier on to explore the town a bit better, even though I told them to stay in they still went ahead and they've been gone for over an hour. I pull back the curtain and the dusty netting to see who is out there, when I look there is not a soul in sight. The parking lot is vacant apart from my car, which was a present from my dad when I passed my driving test. I look to the right and again there's nothing apart from the luminous sign which reads Moonlight Motel; I doubt there are any other guests here for tonight and if there is, they are definitely not the rowdy type. I'm half expecting the cast of the music video Thriller to make an appearance outside my door. The thought makes me chuckle to myself. I close the curtains and sit down on the edge of the bed, biting my thumb nail nervously, it's probably nothing and I'm just being a paranoid mess. I pick up the contents of my bag and put them back; I notice that I still have a lot of change from the snacks I bought earlier on. It triggers my memory from the early afternoon when we arrived here and a cute yet somewhat nerdy police officer gave me all of his change when I asked for change of $30. Suddenly someone bangs on my door, my heart is in my mouth, if it's my two friends playing games with me I'll kill them, and they can walk all the way to the festival for all I care. I slowly tiptoe towards the door, I notice my palms are sweating as I hold the handle with my right hand and peer through the peephole. Again there is not a soul to be found, against my better judgement I open the door and step outside to see if there is anyone lurking around. There's nobody, I noticed that the motel manager took off for the night and probably won't be back till much later on. Not wanting to stay out in the chilly and unsettling weather any longer I go back inside and bolt the door behind me. I am so freaked out right now, it might seem petty to call the police over something like this but since there's been quite a number of murder cases recently I'm sure they will understand my concerns. My iPhone has no signal here at all, I swear it's like a ghost town. I jump on my bed and dial 911 on the room phone by my bed, it feels like an eternity before someone finally answers. "Hello, this is Officer Ronald Peterson. What is your call regarding?" Ronnie, I think to myself is the same officer with the change from earlier on, I heard his older colleague call him that before they left the motel. I could tell that he was attracted to me by the way he kept staring, it was cute and I relished the attention. "Umm, hi. You probably don't remember me, but I'm Zoe and I'm staying at the Moonlight Motel," I respond trying to sound all confident. There is silence from the other end, he probably doesn't even remember me. "Oh, yeah. Of course I remember you, can I offer you any assistance apart from lending you some more change?" He says with a nervous giggle. He's so cute, I'm glad that he was the one who answered my call. "Yeah, I'm alone in my motel room and I someone keeps knocking on my door and then when I go to answer it there's nobody there. I'm just a little worried, is there anyone who can come out here and sit with me before my friends get back?" I ask desperately hoping that he will say yes. I can hear a sigh from the other end, "Your friends just left you there all alone? Some friends they are, no problem, give me fifteen minutes and I will be right with you," he replies and hangs up the phone. I breathe a sigh of relief, but I'm also nervous about seeing this officer again, he's not my usual type, plus he's a lot older than me, but there's something very sexy about him.

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