Part 1(the intro)

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hi guys yes, im back I think anyways im going to try and upload every week so stay tuned for that follow me and vote for this story if u want more.

now let's see where we will begin, let's start with introducing me im Katy. Katy Williams, I am a 17yo girl im a total detective fan, I got blond hair blue eyes and im 5 feet 6'. I'm going good in school im single (so I'm your standard nerd girl) and I recently came across this wild thing. a guy around 18 he was missing (did I tell you I love mystery's)  well I found out it was like not even 2 miles out of my house he was this very sweet guy apparently and best of all no one's even tried slachting for him so I decided I should go and do that 

(and how do u find my little cliffhanger/intro) next chapter is out this week (im trying my best)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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